Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

CIAO DATE: 11/2012

Pakistan: Regional Rivalries, Local Impacts

Mona Kanwal Sheikh, FARZANA SHAIKH, Gareth Price

October 2012

Danish Institute for International Studies


What connects China to the challenges of separatism in Balochistan? Why is India important when it comes to water shortages in Pakistan? Why do Iran and Saudi Arabia matter for the challenges faced by Pakistan in Gilgit– Baltistan? A new DIIS report ‘Pakistan: regional rivalries, local impacts’, published in a collaborative effort with Chatham House, raises these questions and discusses the interplay between regional tensions and Pakistan’s internal conflicts. The report consists of an overview chapter written by Mona Kanwal Sheikh and Gareth Price, focusing particularly on the impacts of Afghanistan, China, Russia, India, Iran and Saudi Arabia on Pakistan’s major challenges: troubled borders, ethnic secessionism, the presence of foreign fighters and indigenous militancy, tensions over water and ideological battles. The chapters following this analysis adds a more local dimension by focusing separately on selected provinces, administrative divisions and urban centres in Pakistan, namely: Balochistan, FATA, Pakistan-administered Kashmir, Gilgit–Baltistan, Punjab and Sindh. The report is edited by Mona Kanwal Sheikh, Farzana Shaikh and Gareth Price and contains contributions from both expert journalists and leading academics, namely Abubakar Siddique, Ashraf Ali, Victoria Schofield, Cyril Almeida, Ayesha Siddiqa and Mohammed Waseem.