Columbia International Affairs Online: Working Papers

CIAO DATE: 06/2008

Corresponsabilidad Estado-sociedad civil internacional. Greenpeace España y el caso Prestige*

Paulina Coronel Arias, Elisa G. Gaxiola Baqueiro, Ana Lucia Mendoza Ibarra, Aída Patiño Macías, Nancy Janett García Vázquez

April 2008

CONfines de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencia Política


Nowadays it is possible to talk about state-civil society co-responsibility. Although the state is still the dominant actor of the international system, globalization has led it to a re-structuration process. International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) have begun to play a key role in the design of solutions to issues not entirely attended by the state. In this paper we argue that INGOs have addressed topics that affect the international community— for instance, the environment—and have occasionally complemented the state’s functions. To demonstrate our thesis, we will analyze the Spanish authorities’ and Greenpeace’s reactions towards the environmental disaster caused by the oil tanker Prestige’s sinking off the coast of Galicia.