CIAO DATE: 02/2015
October 2014
Center on International Cooperation
As part of UNICEF UK’s Every Child in Danger campaign, CIC’s David Steven contributed research with an eye toward the political solutions necessary for ending violence against children. In this report, he describes the scale of the epidemic, reviews the likely post-2015 targets that will make a difference in combating violence, and proposes ways forward on the issue, urging political leadership and global partnership above all. If Not Now, When? is not a dry attempt to analyze what is feasible by 2030. As the title suggests, the focus is practical. This is a first attempt to sketch out what governments should – and must – do if they are to have any credibility in setting a target to prevent violence and protect children.
Resource link: If Not Now, When? Ending Violence Against the World's Children [PDF] - 2.2M