CIAO DATE: 08/2010
March 2010
Center on International Cooperation
In this recent paper for FRIDE, Dr. Sarjoh Bah analyzes the "Afro-Arab" response to the ongoing conflict in Sudan. Dr. Bah explores the complexities surrounding the African Union’s (AU) response to the crisis in Darfur: a regional approach to what had essentially become an international problem. It focuses on how the AU’s political strategy of pursuing dialogue between the parties was contradicted by the policies of some of its members, especially from North Africa, the League of Arab States (LAS) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). The paper was formally launched along with other papers commissioned by FRIDE at a high-level policy seminar in Madrid on 16-17 June. The Meeting was attended by representatives of the Governemnt of Sudan, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and a new break-away faction of the Sudan Liberation Movement, the League of Arab States, the United Nations and academic and policy researchers from Sudan and the Middle East.
Resource link: The African Union in Darfur: Understanding the afro-arab response to the crisis [PDF] - 297K