CIAO DATE: 02/2014
January 2013
American Assembly at Columbia University
Following an Assembly of over one hundred urban policy and economic development experts from throughout the state, The American Assembly and co-sponsors released Revitalizing the Legacy Cities of Upstate New York, which praised partnerships with major anchor institutions and advocated aligning local government and education efforts with Governor Cuomo’s decentralized Regional Economic Development Councils. The report also stressed regional export plans and venture funds, and creation of a statewide export czar, as necessary for adapting and competing in the globalized 21st century economy. The report's recommendations provide critical tools to encourage and inform a growing national dialogue on the future of legacy cities – a term used to describe America’s older metropolitan centers that have experienced significant population loss. These cities are critical to 21st century economic prosperity and quality of life.
Resource link: Revitalizing the Legacy Cities of Upstate New York [PDF] - 2.5M