Columbia International Affairs Online: Videos

CIAO DATE: 02/2012

Multilateralism in Trade at Risk: Should and Can we Rescue the Doha Round?

Pascal Lamy, Jagdish Bhagwati, Michael Moore, Leif Pagrotsky

December 2011

Columbia University World Leaders Forum


This World Leaders Forum program will feature an introduction by:

- Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the World Trade Organization

Followed by a panel discussion with:

- Jagdish Bhagwati, University Professor of Economics & Law, Columbia University; Economic Policy Adviser to Director General of GATT (1991-1993)

- Michael Moore, Former Director General of World Trade Organization and Prime Minister of New Zealand; Ambassador of New Zealand to the United States

- Leif Pagrotsky, Swedish Minister for Trade(1997-2004); currently member of the Swedish Parliament and of the Executive Board of the Social Democratic Party

Moderated by:

- Merit E. Janow, Professor, International Economic Law and International Affairs in SIPA; Member, WTO Appellate Body (2003-2007)

This program is co-sponsored by the Program for Economic Research.