Columbia International Affairs Online: Policy Briefs

CIAO DATE: 12/2009

Toward a Global Science and Technology Policy Agenda for Sustainable Development

aul A. David, Can Huang, Luc Soete, Adriaan van Zon

September 2009

United Nations University


The current financial crisis has tended to sap the momentum of industrialized countries’ policy steps to address climate change. Given the threat of runaway global warming, adopting a “minimax-regret” strategy is the best policy response: aim to stabilize GHG levels close to present levels. This requires accelerating R&D expenditures targeting technologies that radically reduce marginal costs of GHG emissions control. Making severe emissions cuts less burdensome would reinforce efforts to achieve that goal by “cap-and-trade” programmes and carbon taxes. The global community should commit itself to making major, coordinated investments in a diversified portfolio of climate change R&D, and to providing global access to the emerging technologies.