Since its establishment in 1949, Columbia University's East Asian Institute has been a major center for research, teaching, and publishing on modern and contemporary Asia, covering China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Korean peninsula, and the countries of Southeast Asia; in recent years the scope has expanded to include Tibet and Inner Asia. The Institute is affiliated with Columbia's Schools of Business, Law, International and Public Affairs, and Arts and Sciences, bringing together over 50 full-time faculty, a diverse group of visiting scholars and professionals, and students from the United States and abroad.
As of January 2003, the East Asian Institute was renamed the Weatherhead East Asian Institute to honor the generosity of the Weatherhead Foundation.
Additional Materials from Weatherhead East Asian Institute : Working Papers
Title: Can America Rebuild the Crumbling State of U.S.-Asia Relations?
Authors: Kishore Mahbubani
Date: March 2005