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Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University


The Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution offers the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and the Master of Science (MS) degrees in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Both degree programs are among the first in this field and are part of the mission of the Institute: to advance the understanding and resolution of significant and persistent social conflicts. Three additional components enhance the Institute’s degree programs: research and publication, a clinical and consultancy program, and public education.

Major research interests include the analysis of conflict between and within nations; ethnic, religious, and identity groups; organizations and social classes; the exploration of conditions attracting parties to the negotiation table; the role of third parties in dispute resolution; and the testing of a variety of conflict intervention methods in community, national, and international settings.

A Clinical program is offered to students through the Applied Practice and Theory Program (two semesters), and through consultantcy work with individual Institute faculty, associates, and affiliate organizations.

Community outreach is accomplished through the publication of books and articles, public lectures, conferences, seminars, and special briefings on the theory and practice of conflict resolution. The Institute collaborates on a range of projects with other academic programs and practice organizations, nationally and internationally.

Additional Materials from Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University: Working Papers

Policy Briefs

Title: ICAR Newsletter, Volume 13, Number 1
Authors: Kevin Avruch, Jannie Botes, Sandra I. Cheldelin, Sara Cobb, Daniel Druckman, Ho-Won Jeong, Linda Johnston, Michelle LeBaron, Christopher Mitchell, Daniel Rothbart, Richard Rubenstein, Dennis J.D. Sandole, Wallace Warfield
Date: December 2003

Title: ICAR Newsletter, Volume 13, Number 1
Authors: Abdusabur Abdusamadov, Sandra I. Cheldelin, Sara Cobb, John W. Holman, Ho-Won Jeong, Louis Kriesberg, Christopher Mitchell, Giselle Huamani Ober, Catalina Rojas, Richard Rubenstein, Dennis J.D. Sandole, Ellen Kabcenell Wayne
Date: December 2001