CIAO DATE: 06/2009
May 2009
Danish Institute for International Studies
Diaspora and migrant associations are often praised as new ‘agents of change’ for their contributions to development in their countries of origin. In this new DIIS Brief Nauja Kleist, project senior researcher in the Migration Unit at DIIS, examines Somali and Ghanaian migrant associations in Denmark and their involvement in development. The Brief presents two main conclusions: First, that while migrant associations do contribute to poverty alleviation and the provision of social services in their areas of origin, their contributions are usually based on particular affiliations and primarily focus on the areas of origin of the association. Second, that successful support to development projects via associations requires knowledge of and networks in both the Danish society and the receiving area.
Resource link: African Diaspora Organizations and Homeland Development: The case of Somali and Ghanaian associations in Denmark [PDF] - 217K