Columbia International Affairs Online: Policy Briefs

CIAO DATE: 11/2013

Inserting Migrants Into the Global Social Protection Floor

Marie-Hélène Ratel, Gabriel Williams, Keegan Williams

September 2013

Centre for International Governance Innovation


The Social Protection Floor (SPF) is a global initiative that provides security to vulnerable groups in all countries — including migrant workers, undocumented migrant workers, non-citizens and refugees. This brief, the final installment of the CIGI Junior Fellows 2013 policy brief series, provides an innovative method to measure the gaps in social protection in countries. The authors — Marie-Hélène Ratel, Gabriel Williams and Keegan Williams — discover that the gaps in social protection exist even in countries with higher income, such as Sweden. They conclude that the SPF Advisory Group must collaborate better with countries that have transit and which receive migrants, middle- and high-income countries, and regional organizations to reduce these gaps between citizens and non-citizens.