CIAO DATE: 10/04
Volume 7, Number 4 (October-December 2003)
World Public Forum—Dialogue of Civilisations
An Introduction To The Programme Of The Rhodes Forum
Alexander Melnik
The Ideals of Greek Culture
Nicholas S. Papanicolaou denounces the menace of terrorism and argues that Alexander's famous oath of Opis, which enshrines the universal Greek ideal, spells out the ethical rules of conduct for all human beings.
The Modern Crisis in Values and Thinking
Vladimir Yakunin states that a meaningful dialogue of civilisations is the need of the hour. To that end we must improve our understanding of key issues such as global environmental and political degradation.
Towards a Philosophy for a New Humane Order
J.C. Kapur posits that globalisation in its present form, as consumeristic materialism is not viable for most developing nations. The unipolar system is attempting to force a single civilisational model on the world. We should instead turn to the order dictated by cosmic reality.
Asia in the Contemporary World
I.K. Gujral points out that the American interference in Asia is leading to further destabilisation in the region which is already beset with problems. The primacy of the UN must be restored and an inter-Asian regional security system established.
A Call for Anthropolitics
Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan argues that to rebuild common human values we must go beyond merely fostering material development to enhance what is universal while respecting our differences.
Judaism's Perspective on the Holiness of Human Life
Alexander Laksin holds that Judaism teaches respect for all human beings since man was made in the likeness of God and each man worships and serves God in his/her own way. There are thus many ways to worship God.
Orthodoxy and Islam: Dialogue Principles
Metropolitan Vladimir of Tashkent recalls that eastern Christianity and Islam, invariably faithful to their founding scriptures, share many principles and articles of faith.
The Religious and Philosophical Dimensions of Culture
Natalia Narochnitskaya analyses the religious history of the Western world to find the causes of its modern surrender to hedonistic liberal materialism which is destroying Christian civilisation. She concludes that a revival of the spiritual essence of Christianity, as preserved in the Russian Orthodox Church is desirable for Europe.
Globalisation but No Dialogue of Civilisations Ahead
Marek Glogoczowski contends that like the European conquistadors of yore, the American neo-conservatives are justifying greed, violence and plunder by quoting the Bible and claiming to fulfil its prophecies.
Havel and the Future of International Relations
Analysing Vaclav Havel's thoughts in the context of the theory of dialogue of civilisations, Fabio Petito argues that international relations should be redefined. A new structure for the world order must facilitate the coexistence of diverse cultures and peoples, based on a common perception of transcendence.
Women, Religion and Civilisational Dialogue: The New Heretical Imperative
Durre S. Ahmed underlines the fact that religion remains a fundamental aspect of civilisation. Women are central actors on the spiritual scene though they often have been marginalised by organised creeds. The challenging and creative factor of heresy may play a vital role in the evolution of organised faith.
Contours of a New World Structure—The Civilisational Approach
Leonid Shershnev highlights that every country has a tradition and history which must be respected. Blind reliance on Western systems and ideas can lead to disaster. It is time for a new world order and a reform of the United Nations, founded on mutual recognition between diverse complementary civilisations.
Preventing War in a World of Pre-Emptive Wars
Vittorio Emanuele Parsi reflects that in a world where terrorism is widespread and religion often fosters fanaticism, where there is growing disregard for the sovereignty of nations, we need new rules to maintain peace and stability.
United States and Europe
Alain de Benoist shows that today an aggressive USA wants to mould mankind into its own image, thus legitimising all the wrongs it commits, in the belief that it is a nation chosen by God to enlighten and reform mankind. A unified Europe and a rising Asia acting together can contain the American drive for hegemony.
The Necessity for a Dialogue of Civilisations
Anatoli A. Zoubtchenko pleads for new international institutions to be built within the UNO in order to facilitate a dialogue between civilisations, with a view to replacing the current unipolar strife-ridden system.
Order out of Chaos: A Chinese Offer to the Twenty-First Century
Alexandr Salitsky thinks that Chinese market-type socialism in which the national cultural identity is preserved represents a successful model in the globalising world.
A Scientist in the Dialogue of Cultures
Sergey Kapitza muses that even among scientists a dialogue is necessary. They need to understand the problems of the world at a human level and must realise that great technological advances do not necessarily solve or even reduce pressing problems like poverty and unemployment.
The Challenges of New Communication Technologies
Sugmin Youn demonstrates that communication is an important aspect and function of culture, hence its development critically influences and even determines the evolution of education and social behaviour.
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