Social Sciences
Vol. 29, No. 1/January 1998
Russian Philosophy Today
by Vyacheslav Stepin
Russia Between the Near and Far Abroad (Foreign Economic Strategy) by Yuri Shishkov
Regional Specifics of Russian Mentality by Nadezhda Davydova
The Role of the State in the Formation and Regulation of the Market Economy
by Leonid Abalkin
The State Function in the Market Economy by Eugene Yasin
Three Faces of Freedom by Leonid Kogan
Is There World Philosophy? by Anatoli Zotov
Old Russian Culture: Unity and Variety (End of the 10th through 13th century) by Vladislav Darkevich
DISCUSSIONS: Russian Historical Tradition and Liberal Reform Prospects
CRITIQUE AND COMMENTS: Scientists and Political Power by Andrei Makarytchev
VIEWS AND OPINIONS: New Humanism by Ivan Frolov
Book Reviews
Don C. Rawson. Russian Rightists and the Revolution of 1905.
D. Judd. Empire. The British Imperial Experience, from 1765 to the Present.
A.L. Litvin, Red and White Terror in Russia: 1918 1922.