Social Sciences
Vol. 29, No. 2/April 1998
Socialist Orientation: An Anomaly or a Natural Development Stage?
by Alexei Kiva
Socialism Needs to Be Reinterpreted by Yuri Krasin
The Dynamics of Social Stratification in Post-Soviet Society by Natalia Tikhonova
Violence and Civilization Breakdowns in Russia
by Vladimir Kantor
The National Idea and Social Strategy by Gennady Osipov
A New Class of Russian Society by Roi Medvedev
Democracy and Culture by Yuri Kagramanov
What's Postmodern Anyway? by Alexei Zverev
VIEWS AND OPINIONS: On the Nature of Conflicts and Wars in the Modern World by Kamaludin Gajiev
CRITIQUE AND COMMENTS: The Debt Economy by Andrei Klepach
Book Reviews
Ludmila Saraskina. Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Overcoming the Demons.
Reviewed by P. Fokin
R.W.Davies. Crisis and Progress in the Soviet Economy, 1931-1933.
Reviewed by I.Bystrova