CIAO DATE: 05/04
Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2004
Russia—A Partner for the U.S. in the Post-Saddam Middle East? (PDF, 13 pages, 222 KB) by Robert O. Freedman
Democratic Inclusion: A Solution to Militancy in Islamist Movements? (PDF, 7 pages, 166 KB) by Anne Marie Baylouny
Create a New Era of Islamic-Western Relations By Supporting Community Development (PDF, 9 pages, 180 KB) by Jason Ben-Meir
Combating Terrorism Through Reforms: Implications of the Bremer-Kasarda Model for Saudi Arabia (PDF, 11 pages, 246 KB) by Robert Looney
India and the Gulf After Saddam (PDF, 6 pages, 162 KB) by Stephen Blank
Money and Terrorism (PDF, 4 pages, 135 KB) by Loretta Napoleoni
Europe, America and the "War on Terror" (PDF, 13 pages, 236 KB) by Douglas Porch
Suits and Uniforms: Turkish Foreign Policy Since the Cold War, by Philip Robins (PDF, 4 pages, 122 KB) reviewed by Barak Salmoni
Act of Creation: The Founding of the United Nations, by Stephen C. Schlesinger (PDF, 4 pages, 130 KB) reviewed by Daniel Moran