CIAO DATE: 12/04
Volume 2, Number 2, Summer/Fall 2001
Foreword (PDF, 2 pages, 26.3 KB) by Jayantha Dhanapala
Light Weapons and Israeli-Palestinian Peace (PDF, 8 pages, 60.1 KB) by Jeffrey Boutwell
The Urgent Humanitarian Concern (PDF, 10 pages, 62.0 KB) by Peter Herby and Lena Eskeland
Ballots and Bullets in East and West Timor (PDF, 10 pages, 66.8 KB) by Teresa Hutsebaut
Toward a Convention on International Arms Transfers (PDF, 7 pages, 53.4 KB) by Oscar Arias Sánchez
Combating the Black-Market Trade (PDF, 8 pages, 58.8 KB) by Michael T. Klare
Enhancing Controls on Legal Transfers (PDF, 12 pages, 72.7 KB) by Michael Crowley and Elizabeth Clegg
Demand Dimensions of Small-Arms Abuse (PDF, 5 pages, 46.5 KB) by Alejandro Bendaña