CIAO DATE: 10/00
Strategic Analysis:
A Monthly Journal of the IDSA
July 2000 (Vol. XXIV No. 4)
Russia-China Military-Technical Cooperation: Implications for India
, by Jyotsna Bakshi
Air-Power Strategy and Ground Support Operations in High Altitude
, by K R Singh
Missiles and Air Strategy: The Interactive Relationship
, by A K Sachdev
Assessing Unit Readiness of and Air Force Fighter Wing
, by R V Phadke
Force Structure for the Army and Higher Decision-Making
, by HPS Klair
Evolution of a Joint Doctrine for Indian Armed Forces
, by Vinod Anand
The Naga Insurgency: The past and the Future
, by Dinesh Kotwal
Sri Lankas War Within and India
, by Padmaja Murthy
The US and the Gulf : The New Calculus
, by Dean Mathew
Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force: Kata and Katana
, by Vijay Sakhuja