International Affairs
April 1998
In his introduction and overview to this issue of International Affairs, Christopher Clapham takes a broad look at Africa's post-colonial past and the often impracticable inheritance bequeathed to it by the colonial powers. With reference to the articles in these pages, he assesses the decline in African statehood and the problems associated with projects of external governance. However, in looking to an uncertain future, he finds emerging from within Africa itself reforming leadership and new movements, which are proving hopeful in the search for political reform.
Christopher Clapham is Professor of Politics and International Relations at Lancaster University and Editor of The Journal of Modern African Studies. He is the author of Africa and the international system: the politics of state survival (1996) and editor of African guerrillas (forthcoming).
This article addresses the question of the new South Africa's relationships with other countries in Africa in the context of the idea of an 'African Renaissance' which has recently gained currency. The authors identify two opposing conceptions of Africa's development, which they call 'globalist' and 'Africanist' respectively, and explore the tensions besetting South Africa's participation in an 'Africanist' project. They discuss the dilemma of South Africa's role on the continent as both an obvious and an impossible candidate for leadership, and argue for an 'Africanist' and post-structuralist approach to the political, economic and cultural development of the African continent.
Peter Vale is Professor of Southern African Studies at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa and Visiting Professor of Political Science at the University of Stellenbosch. He is editor (with Gunnar Sorbo) of Out of conflict: from war to peace in Africa (1997).
Sipho Maseko is Senior Lecturer and Chair of the Department of Political Studies in the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. He is a contributor to The double-edged sword: the struggle for liberation in Namibia (1995).
Recent moves towards greater political liberalization in Africa, with the widespread introduction of multi-party elections in many states since 1989, do not necessarily constitute evidence of successful democratization. In particular, the focus on elections to the exclusion of other essential features of a properly functioning democracy has vitiated much recent analysis of the 'democratic transition' in Africa. By examining in turn the roots, meaning and limits of democratization in Africa, the author shows that a focus on accountability rather than on democracy per se would be more appropriate.
Patrick Chabal is Professor of Lusophone African Studies, King's College London and co-Editor of Politique Africaine. He is the author of Power in Africa: an essay in political interpretation (1994).
There certainly exists an African civil society which is actively seeking to raise the living standards of citizens as well as to promote and protect their rights and interests. The lack of such crucial resources as finance and an environment conducive to civic activity are, however, as the author suggests, major inhibitions to the development of Africa's civil society. In combating these problems, Africa will need external donor support in various forms for quite some time to come.
Democracy and conflict in post-apartheid southern Africa: dilemmas of social change in small states
The article examines the process of political change in the small southern African kingdoms of Lesotho and Swaziland. After an overview of the post-colonial political and economic history of the two states, the author analyses the pressures for, and resistance to, political liberalization and shows how moves in this direction have failed to assuage internal conflict, and indeed, have in some respects exacerbated such conflict. The intervention of outside actors in the attempt to resolve conflict poses a danger to the fragile national sovereignty of these states.
John Mw Makumbe is a Lecturer in the Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Zimbabwe. He is the author of Zimbabwe: decentralization, development and democracy (forthcoming).
Immigration policy in South Africa is undergoing serious revision in response to unprecedented cross-border migration into the post-apartheid state. This article looks at the relevance of orthodox international relations theory to migration policy in South Africa, and argues that fundamental shifts in approach are essential if IR theorists of the region are to contribute effectively to understanding and managing migration in southern Africa. It builds on the results of interviews with migrants and considers the significance of the themes of identity, community and gender as areas of particular relevance to international relations theory.
Marion Ryan Sinclair is Research Fellow at the Centre for Southern African Studies (CSAS), University of the Western Cape, where she heads the Migration Project. She has recently published a CSAS working paper, 'Migration research in southern Africa: current trends and new directions'.
The traditional framework of relations between France and its former colonies in Africa is in crisis. Though this crisis is of long standing, events in Rwanda, Congo and elsewhere on the continent in the 1990s have shown up starkly the deficiencies in French policy. However, this article shows that it would be wrong to conclude, as some have done, that France will disengage from Africa; rather, France may well redefine its relationships with the continent by developing new priorities.
Roland Marchall is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre d'études et de relations internationales/Fondation nationale des sciences politiques (CERI/FNSP). He is the author (with Christine Messiant) of Les chemins de la guerre et de la paix. Fins de conflit en Erythrée, Angola, Mozambique et Somalie (1997).
Despite having been regarded by many as increasingly anachronistic, the Commonwealth continues to be seen as valuable both by its existing members and by those who wish to join it. Given the historical circumstances of its beginning and the informal nature of its operations, it is both necessary and difficult to establish criteria for admitting new members. This article examines how the Commonwealth can manage its enduring appeal, and the prospects for fulfilment of its declared support for the protection of fundamental political values in the face of its commitment to state sovereignty.
James Mayall is Sir Patrick Sheehy Professor of International Relations in the University of Cambridge. He is the author of Nationalism and international society (1990) and editor of The new interventionism (1996).
The Framework Convention on Climate Change addressing the problem of global warming at the international level, was signed in 1992. A protocol to the convention, including emission limitation or reduction commitments, was recently adopted. Joint implementation (JI), in any of its various forms, constitutes one of the mechanisms for reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions. The basic rationale for JI is to achieve the greatest global environmental benefits for the least cost. JI can in principle be a useful instrument in implementing environmental agreements. In this article, the authors argue that JI raises several issues of concern in relation to the realization of different aspects of sustainable development. More specifically, in the forestry sector, JI often seems to conflict with local and global environmental priorities. Moreover, the basic premiss on which JI forestry projects are predicated, namely the carbon sequestration potential, is not borne out by available scientific date. In the long term, such projects have a very limited capacity for carbon sequestration considering that woody biomass eventually decays or burns.
Philippe Cullet is a Researcher in International Environmental Law at Stanford Law School, University of Stanford, California.
Annie-Patricia Kameri-Mbote is Lecturer in Law at the University of Nairobi, and currently a researcher in International Environmental Law at Stanford Law School, University of Stanford, California.
'Democratic experiments in Africa: Regime transitions in comparative perspective', by Michael Bratton and Nicolas van de Walle, reviewed by Tayo Oke.
Tayo Oke teaches in the Department of Politics and Modern History, London Guildhall University. He also manages a consultancy firm specializing in research and risk analysis in Africa.
Martin Walker is Assistant Editor and European Editor of The Guardian and a Senior Fellow of the World Policy Institute.
Book reviews