International Affairs
April 1997
Asia And Pacific
East Asia: Economic interdependence and regional security, by Ralph A. Cossa and Jane Khanna
How insecure is Pacific Asia?, by Gerald Segal
East Asian assessments of China's security policy, by Lee Lai To
Asia, the Law of the Sea and international relations, by Mark J. Valencia
Women and pipelines: Afghanistan's proxy wars, by Barnett R. Rubin
India in the twenty-first century, by Bhabani Sen Gupta
Pakistan at 50: a state in decline?, by John Bray
Review article
The United States and Vietnam: from Kennedy to Johnson, by Geoffrey Warner
Book reviews
Take-off for Taiwan?, edited by Peter Ferdinand
A remarkable mixture of sharp and subtle analysis, by Peter Ferdinand
State and civil society in Pakistan, by Iftikhar Malik
A detailed analysis of one of the key themes in the countrys history., by David Page, BBC World Service