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CIAO DATE: 02/06
Volume 120 No. 4 (Winter 2005)
Killing Civilians Intentionally: Double Effect, Reprisal, and Necessity in the Middle East
Michael L. Gross examines the arguments that Palestinians and Israelis offer when innocent lives are taken. He challenges Palestinian claims that existential threats (supreme emergency) or reprisals for past wrongs can justify terror attacks on noncombatants. At the same time, he objects to Israeli explanations that invoke the doctrine of double effect and claim that noncombatants are not killed intentionally but die as an unintended side effect of necessary military operations.
[Full Text, PDF, 26 pages, 224.3 KB]
Congressional Oversight: Vice President Richard B. Cheney’s Executive Branch Triumph
Bruce P. Montgomery explores the legal battle of the General Accountability Office (GAO, formerly the General Accounting Office) over access to information detailing Vice President Richard B. Cheney’s national energy task force. He analyzes the politically charged fight, in which the GAO and the White House each sought to use the case as a means to expand its own institutional prerogatives. He concludes that the result was a significant victory for the George W. Bush administration’s aim of asserting presidential prerogatives at the expense of congressional oversight.
In America We (Used to) Trust: U.S. Hegemony and Global Cooperation
Andrew Kydd discusses alternative perspectives on hegemony and cooperation. One emphasizes the credibility of threats to potential rule breakers, the other the fostering of mutual trust and multilateral cooperation. While the first has been central to the Bush administration’s foreign policy, the second was important in the early Cold War and remains important today.
The Impact of Campaign Reform on Political Discourse
Darrell M. West, L. Sandy Maisel, and Brett M. Clifton assess the effectiveness of reforms designed to improve the quality of American election campaigns. Using an analysis of news, ads, debates, campaign literature, mailings, and other forms of communication during competitive House and Senate contests, they argue that reform activities were not very effective overall at improving the quality of campaign discourse.
Signaling Credibility: Electoral Strategy and New Labour in Britain
Mary Wickham-Jones looks at the development of the British Labour Party’s electoral strategy during the 1980s and 1990s. He challenges the view that the Party’s electoral recovery was a result of the adoption of a Downsian approach. Rather, he emphasizes the importance of the signals used by Labour to secure electoral credibility in the 1997 general election.
Book Reviews
Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan
Reviewed by Robert Jervis
[Full Text, PDF, 3 pages, 166.4 KB]
Nick Kotz, Judgment Days: Lyndon Baines Johnson, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Laws that Changed America
Reviewed by James H. Meriwether
Thomas W. Lippman, Inside the Mirage: America’s Fragile Partnership with Saudi Arabia
Reviewed by Joseph A. Kéchichian
[Full Text, PDF, 3 pages, 130.8 KB]
Kimberly Zisk Marten, Enforcing the Peace: Learning from the Imperial Past
Reviewed by David M. Edelstein
Jerrold M. Post, Leaders and Their Followers in a Dangerous World: The Psychology of Political Behavior
Reviewed by Rose McDermott
Frank M. Bryan, Real Democracy: The New England Town Meeting and How it Works
Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin
John E. Schwarz, Freedom Reclaimed: Rediscovering the American Vision
Reviewed by Christopher C. Burkett
James A. Stimson, Tides of Consent: How Public Opinion Shapes American Politics
Reviewed by Fay Lomax Cook
[Full Text, PDF, 3 pages, 130.1 KB]
Sidney Tarrow, The New Transnational Activism
Reviewed by Mark Kesselman
Aaron Belkin, United We Stand? Divide-and-Conquer Politics and the Logic of International Hostility
Reviewed by Stacy Bergstrom Haldi
Wayne E. Baker, America’s Crisis of Values: Reality and Perception
Reviewed by David Callahan
George B. N. Ayittey, Africa Unchained: The Blueprint for Africa’s Future
Reviewed by David K. Leonard
Peter C. Perdue, China Marches West: The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia
Reviewed by Morris Rossabi
Desmond King, The Liberty of Strangers: Making the American Nation
Reviewed by Pedro Cabán
Stephen P. Nicholson, Voting the Agenda: Candidates, Elections, and Ballot Propositions
Reviewed by Daniel A. Smith
Jürg Steiner, André Bächtiger, Markus Spörndli, and Marco R. Steenbergen, Deliberative Politics in Action: Analyzing Parliamentary Discourse
Reviewed by Christian F. Rostbøll
Lawrence Becker, Doing the Right Thing: Collective Action and Procedural Choice in the New Legislative Process
Reviewed by Thad E. Hall
John A. Hird, Power, Knowledge, and Politics: Policy Analysis in the States
Reviewed by Peter DeLeon
Charles M. Lamb, Housing Segregation in Suburban America since 1960: Presidential and Judicial Politics
Reviewed by Arnold R. Hirsch
Elaine B. Sharp, Morality Politics in American Cities
Reviewed by Janet K. Boles
Richardson Dilworth, The Urban Origins of Suburban Autonomy
Reviewed by Matthew D. Lassiter
Deborah J. Schildkraut, Press ‘‘ONE’’ for English: Language Policy, Public Opinion, and American Identity
Reviewed by Thomas Ricento
Jon C. Pevehouse, Democracy from Above: Regional Organizations and Democratization
Reviewed by James Lee Ray
David Slater, Geopolitics and the Post-colonial: Rethinking North-South Relations
Reviewed by Consuelo Cruz
Jack L. Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner, The Limits of International Law
Reviewed by Stacie Goddard
Michael A. Levi and Michael E. O’Hanlon, The Future of Arms Control
Reviewed by Dan Lindley
Kathryn Sikkink, Mixed Signals: U.S. Human Rights Policy and Latin America
Reviewed by Cynthia J. Arnson
Joseph Wong, Healthy Democracies: Welfare Politics in Taiwan and South Korea
Reviewed by Tieh-Chih Chang
Daniel Lederman, William F. Maloney, and Luis Servén, Lessons from NAFTA for Latin America and the Caribbean: A Summary of Research Findings
Reviewed by Patrice Franko
George Lawson, Negotiated Revolutions: The Czech Republic, South Africa and Chile
Reviewed by Tony Roshan Samara
Maria Hsia Chang, Falun Gong: The End of Days
Reviewed by James D. Seymour
Kent Eaton, Politics Beyond the Capital: The Design of Subnational Institutions in South America
Reviewed by Caroline Beer
Adrian Guelke, Rethinking the Rise and Fall of Apartheid
Reviewed by James L. Gibson
William E. Scheuerman, Liberal Democracy and the Social Acceleration of Time
Reviewed by Robert B. Talisse
Christopher J. Bosso, Environment, Inc.: From Grassroots to Beltway
Reviewed by Jacqueline Vaughn
Sanjib Baruah, Durable Disorder: Understanding the Politics of Northeast India
Reviewed by Stuart Corbridge