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Subscriptions to The National Interest
Founded in 1985 by publisher Irving Kristol and edited by Owen Harries, The National Interest is now considered to be one of the premier journals in the field of international affairs. Early on, we decided that The National Interest should not restrict itself to foreign policy in the narrow, traditional sense, but should discuss ideas, and the way in which cultural and social differences, technological innovations, and religion impact on the behavior of states.
Thus it was that in 1989 we shaped the post-Cold War debate by publishing Francis Fukuyamas famous and controversial article, End of History? Later we dedicated a whole issue to a searching inquiry on The Strange Death of Soviet Communism (contributors to which included Soviet specialists Richard Pipes, Robert Conquest, and Nobel Prize-winner Saul Bellow). And in recent issues you will find articles with such intriguing titles as If Men Were Angels..., Virtue and Prosperity, And Ulster Will Be Right, The World Shakes China, and Distant Compassion.
The eminent English historian Hugh Trevor-Roper succinctly declares our journal to be the best of its kind. Columnist Charles Krauthammer says it is the leading edge of conservative thought on foreign affairs. The editors of other leading journals speak well of The National Interest (and not just privately, but in print). Andrew Sullivan, former editor of The New Republic, has declared us to be The most intelligent realist voice in foreign policy debates, and John OSullivan, editor of National Review, has said that it is The most topical and entertaining journal in its field.
We publish some of the brightest scholars, policymakers, and commentators in America and in Europeranging from Harvey Mansfield to Conor Cruise OBrien, Noel Malcolm to Chalmers Johnson, James Kurth to Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington to Daniel Patrick Moynihan. The National Interests articles are regularly excerpted in newspapers and magazines such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, London Times, and Harpers, The Atlantic Monthly, Wilson Quarterly, Prospect, and History Today.
Subscription Information
Rates: | Individual | Institutional | |
One year | $26.00 | $31.00 | |
Two years | $44.00 | $48.00 | |
Three years | $59.00 | $66.00 |
For foreign subscriptions please add $10.00 per year for delivery. All payments must be made in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are accepted, as are checks and money orders. Please send orders to our subscription office at the following address:
The National Interest P.O. Box 622 Shrub Oak, NY 10588-0622 tel. (914) 962-6297 tel. (800) 893-8944 |
To order single issues or back issues (American Express cards not accepted for back issues), please contact the editorial office at tel. (202) 467-4884, fax (202) 467-0006, or write to:
The National Interest 1112 16th Street, NW Suite 540 Washington, D.C. 20036 E-mail: tni@pop.dn.net |