CIAO DATE: 10/07
* - Denotes full text.
Learning to Appreciate France
Paul J. Saunders
The United States can't bring the democratic nations of the world together-why should we expect it to lead the way for everyone else?
Comments & Responses
Steve Clemons and Ludovic Hood
Comments and responses to previous issues.
Security First
Amitai Etzioni
The Bush Administration's focus on democracy overlooks the need for security.
China on the March
Ashton B. Carter and William J. Perry
China's announcement of a major increase in military spending on Sunday has raised many questions about the future of Washington's relations with Beijing. In the new issue of The National Interest Ashton B. Carter and William J. Perry provide answers.
Don't Lose Russia
Gary Hart
A former U.S. senator offers tough-love advice on Russia to the Democrats.
Left-Out Legislature
Robert J. Lieber
The new Democratic Congress will find it has only a limited role to play in foreign policy.
Beyond Bombs and Ballots
Lincoln A. Mitchell
Military misadventures in Iraq should not discredit democracy promotion.
Mid-Life Crisis?
Marc Perrin de Brichambaut
The OSCE is not a relic of the Cold War. Instead, it may be the only body that can tackle problems across Eurasia.
Walking with the Devil
Hilton L. Root
The United States must avoid getting trapped in its commitments with unstable regimes, and Iraq is the prime example.
Berlin's Russia Challenge
Angela Stent
The EU's policy incoherence toward Russia compromises Europe's energy security.
NATO: Going, going...
Harlan Ullman
NATO has an insecure future. Afghanistan will determine if it has one.
UN, Rediscovered
Derek Chollet
The UN is flawed, but the United States can learn to use it better-as long as we hold reasonable expectations.
A View to a Coup?
Ted Galen Carpenter and Jessica Ashooh
Advocates of toppling the mullahs in Iran need a stiff dose of reality.
New Year, Old Story on Iran
W. Patrick Lang and Larry Johnson
A year after their assessment of Iranian nuclear ambitions, the authors look back. There are still no good options for dealing with Iran.
The View from Tehran and Russia
Comments from Javad Zarif, Iranian ambassador to the UN, and Dmitry Peskov, first deputy press secretary to President Putin.
The United States must find new and innovative ways to avoid the trap of a dead-end policy towards Iran. A roundtable discussion with Fareed Zakaria, Cliff Kupchan, Joel Rosenthal, Gideon Rose, Richard K. Betts, Ian Bremmer and Nikolas K. Gvosdev.
Utopia and its Discontents
Juliana Geron Pilon
Two works address selective amnesia about communist atrocities.
Event Horizon
Robert S. Leiken
We must prepare for the ultimate threat to nations. Thoughts from one of America's leading grand strategists.
Eurabian Nights
Daniel Pipes
Europe and its Muslims face three possible futures.
Big Ideas, Big Problems
Stefan Halper
Policy decisions suffer when the rational center remains silent and catchphrases take over the debate.
The Battle for Nigeria
J. Peter Pham
As controversy surrounds Nigeria's recent presidential elections, the United States cannot afford to ignore the West African giant's problems.