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Middle East Review of International Affairs

Volume 8, Number 1, March 2004


Judicial Review of Israeli Administrative Actions Against Terrorism: Temporary Deportation of Palestinians From the West Bank to Gaza
by Kenneth Mann *



To discourage would-be Palestinian suicide bombers, the Israeli government initiated a policy of ordering family members of those involved in terrorism to move temporarily from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip. The legal case initiated by three deportees provides an interesting look into how a democratic society balances the rights of accused to due process versus the need to provide security for citizens.

Full Text (PDF, 14 pages, 91 KB)

Note *: Kenneth Mann is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University. This is a revised version of a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Yale Middle East Legal Studies Seminar, Granada, Spain, January 2003. The author would like to express special thanks to Anthony Kronmann and Owen Fiss for their continued support of the Seminar and to Amina el-Sayad and Sari Bashi for their critical reading of the paper. Of course, the conclusions should be attributed to the author only. Back