From the CIAO Atlas Map of Middle East 


Middle East Review of International Affairs

Volume 8, Number 1, March 2004


The Paradox of Anti-Americanism in Iran
by Patrick Clawson *



This article analyzes the roots of anti-American sentiment in Iran, considering the impact of Islamism, nationalism, Third Worldism, and nativism on Iranian ideology and rhetoric following the country's 1979 Revolution. In addition, the author looks at the extent to which this sentiment has reversed itself on the popular level over the past several years and why that has occurred.

Full Text (PDF, 9 pages, 80.3 KB)

Note *: Patrick Clawson is the deputy director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. The author of more than thirty scholarly articles on the Middle East, Dr. Clawson's most recently edited the publication How to Build a New Iraq after Saddam (The Washington Institute, 2003). Dr. Clawson has also been a senior research professor at the Institute for National Strategic Studies of the National Defense University and a research economist at the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and Foreign Policy Research Institute. Back