From the CIAO Atlas Map of Middle East 


Middle East Review of International Affairs

Volume 9, Number 2, June 2005


Turning Water into Fire: The Jordan River as the Hidden Factor in the Six-Day War
by Ofira Seliktar *



The dispute over water resources has been a feature of the Arab-Israeli conflict since its beginning, however the issue has been paid little attention in works on the Six-Day War. This neglect stems from the fact that research on water issues in the Jordan basin has often been highly technical and has been mostly overshadowed by the more dramatic diplomatic and strategic narrative.

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Note *: Ofira Seliktar is a Professor of Israel Studies at the Harry Stern Institute for Israel Studies, Gratz College. She was previously a fellow-in-residence at the Middle East Research Institute where she worked on water resource issues. Her books on problems of prediction and American foreign policy include Failing the Crystal Ball Test: The Carter Administration and the Fundamentalist Revolution in Iran; Politics, Paradigms and Intelligence Failures: Why So Few Predicted the Collapse of the Soviet Union and Politics of Prediction; and the War in Iraq: Who Said What Why and When. In October 2005 Ofira Seliktar will be a visiting professor in the Securities Studies Program at Tel Aviv University where she plans to write a book on whether it was possible to predict the failure of the Oslo Agreement.