From the CIAO Atlas Map of Middle East 


Middle East Review of International Affairs

Volume 8, Number 4, December 2004


The December 2004 European Council Decision on Turkey: Is it an Historic Turning Point?
by Kemal Kirisci *



On December 17, 2004, the European Union (EU) made its long-awaited decision on beginning negotiations with Turkey regarding its full membership in the organization. This article analyzes the decision as an important step toward that goal, despite the complications and reservations that it includes.

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Note *: Kemal Kiris¸ci is professor at Bog˘aziçi University's Department of Political Science and International Relations and director of its Center for European Studies ( Recent books include Turkey In World Politics: An Emerging Multi-Regional Power (co-edited with Barry Rubin) (Lynne Reinner, Boulder, 2001); and two coauthored books: The Political Economy of Cooperation in the Middle East (Routledge, London, 1998) and Turkey and the Kurdish Question: An Example of a Trans-State Ethnic Conflict (Frank Cass, London, 1997). He recently authored the monograph Turkey in the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (with Joanna Apap and Sergio Carrera) (CEPS, Brussels, 2004). His email address is and his website is