Journal of Military and Strategic Studies

Journal of Military and Strategic Studies

Volume 8, Issue 2, Winter 2005/06


Journal of Military and Strategic Studies

Special Commission on the Restructuring of the Reserves: 10 Years Later - Selected Speaking Notes: Army Command Perspectives

BGen (Ret’d) Robin Gagnon



In my comments concerning the last 10 years of the RR (Reserve Restructure) project, I believe it is useful to look back in order to understand why we are where we are today. The start-state has been well depicted by the latest Belzile / Granatstein Report. Indeed 10 years ago the Regular Component was trying to adjust to the loss of 4 CMBG and I Canadian Air Group, to an increasing operational tempo, to the increasing complexity of modern peace support operations, to decreasing budgets, to the equipment rusting out faster than the capital program could afford, to the Somalia disaster, to the standing up of the Area structure, and so on. In that context of dramatic changes, not surprisingly, the Reserve Restructure was not considered as a top priority by the Regular Force component.

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