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CIAO DATE: 11/03
Vol. 6, No 3 (September 2003)
International Relations and international relations: The Links Between Theory and Practice in World Politics
(PDF format, 7 pages, 121.4 KB)
by Steve Smith
My aim in this opening address is to askone simple question: what is the nature of the relationship between the studyand practice of internationalrelations? I want to answer this question by outlining and then dismissing two popular, persuasive and seemingly attractive accounts of that relationship before outlining my own. Butbefore I do that, I need to make three brief comments about the context in which this question is being asked.
Globalisation and Culture
by Zuzana Lehmannová
Constructivism: The Limits of Bridging Gaps
(PDF format, 24 pages, 220.1 KB)
by Antje Wiener
By focusing on the impact of the social in world politics constructivists have generated theoretical debates with a potential for interdisciplinarity that leads beyond the boundaries of international relations theory(IR). Especially the role and function of social facts (Ruggie 1998b) and the influence of social practices (Wendt 1987; Koslowski and Kratochwil 1994) have facilitated an enhanced understanding of the social construction of world politics. Theorising the impact of the social has motivated a broad range of research projects and theoretical debate in IRfollowing the observation of once leading United States constructivists that 'Neorealism and Neoliberalism are "undersocialized" in the sense that they pay insufficient attention to the ways in which the actors in world politics are socially constructed. This common thread has enabled a three-cornered debate with Neorealists and Neoliberals to emerge' (Wendt 1999:4). Subsequently, constructivism was established as a counter movement to neorealism and neoliberalism which often are summarised as rationalist approaches to IR. Following debates about ontology among constructivists and rationalists, constructivist theoretical innovations were generated by a range of positions that emanated from an interest in theorising social ontologies.
The Relevance of Transnational Policy Networks: Some Examples from the European Commission and the Bretton Woods Institutions
by Andreas Nölke
Book Reviews
National Collective Identity: Social Constructs and International Systems by Corneliu Bjola
by Rodney Bruce Hall
The International Politics of East Africa by Glen Segell
by Robert Pinkney
Foreign Direct Investment in the Estonian Economy by Kálmán Kalotay
by Urmas Varblane (ed.)
The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance
by Rodney Bruce Hall and Thomas J. Biersteker (eds)
The Logic of Economic Reform in Russia by Uros Vajgl
by Jerry F. Hough
World Politics: Trend and Transformation by Petr Pavlík
by Charles W. Kegley, Jr. and Eugene R. Wittkopf