International Relations of the Asia-Pacific

August 2003 (Volume 3, No. 2)


Australia's dilemma between geography and history: how consolidated is engagement with Asia?
by Paulo Gorjão


Australia's relations with Asia have been variously envisioned as integration, enmeshment or engagement, and this relationship described as comprehensive, close, cooperative, positive and multifaceted. Among its components, economic, political, socio-cultural, and military or strategic spheres have been distinguished. The use of several designations, and the emphasis of distinctive characteristics and components, has led to the appearance of different meanings and implications. In order to overcome this problem, this article aims to provide a conceptual framework in terms of which the process of Australia's engagement with Asia can be described, explained and predicted. Thus, a conceptual framework is developed, and tested empirically for the period 1991-2001. This article argues that Australia is still far from achieving behavioral, attitudinal and institutional consolidation in its engagement with Asia.