International Journal of Communications Law and Policy

International Journal of Communications Law and Policy

Issue 3, Summer 1999


Internet Content Summit 1999
September 9-11, Müfnchen, Residenz


The Internet is radically changing our information culture. The free and continuously growing Internet world offers new possibilities in the areas of communication, information, business, and entertainment. At the same time, the cross-border flow of data requires a new culture of responsibility for media business, media policy, users, and if illegal content is involved law enforcement authorities. 

The Bertelsmann Foundation has brought together an international network of experts to develop a memorandum with recommendations for an effective international system to secure responsibility and to protect children by combatting illegal and harmful content. The recommendations are based on papers by leading academics from four universities around the world. How can the internet industry contribute to solutions? How can it enable users to take on responsibility? What role do intermediaryinstitutions like self-regulatory initiatives take on? How can national authorities confront these global questions? What is the right mix between user education and law enforcement? The Bertelsmann Foundation is searching for answersfocusing the subjects of self-regulation, the protection of minors and responsibility on the Internet in an international project.