International Journal of Communications Law and Policy

International Journal of Communications Law and Policy

Issue 1, Summer 1998


Research Center for the European and German Law of Telecommunications at the Philipps University of Marburg


The liberalisation of the telecommunications market having been prepared with the post reforms I and II, the German law of telecommunications of 25. July 1996 implemented the basic European decisions concerning the opening of the telecommunications market. The new Art.87f of the German Basic Law, the Law on Telecommunications as well as the relevant EC guidelines, declare the aim to regulate the market in order to achieve appropriate, sufficient and competitive supply. This raises multiple legal questions, which have barely yet been clarified in theory and practice. These questions cover for instance the rules on licences and frequency assignment for telecommunications providers, the constitutional duty of an appropriate basic supply, and the supervision of competition. The creation of a new independent National Regulatory Authority next to the Federal Cartel Office makes the procedure of supervision quite complex. This new authority also deals with the questions of non-discriminatory access to networks by competitors.

The research centre for European and German Telecommunications Law at the Philipps University of Marburg promotes research and teaching in the area of the telecommunications law, in close contact with the economic players in the sector of telecommunications. It includes European and global development of telecommunications in the discussion, as well as the questions arising out of the convergence of networks and services. Next to working on the law of traditional telecommunications, the research center focusses on the questions arising due to the convergence of services and networks, in the areas of mass media and individual communications. The research centre sees itself as a place where these controversial questions can be dealt with and perhaps solved in an atmosphere favorable for legal discussion. The research centre strives for the integration of students and the new generation of researchers into the discussion of current questions in the law of telecommunications.

The research centre pursues its targets in particular through

The research centre's Executive Committee is formed by Univ. Prof. Dr. Steffen Detterbeck, Univ. Prof. Dr. Gilbert Gornig, Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Koenig LL.M. ( Spokesman), Professor Dr. habil. Joachim Scherer LL.M. and Dr. Thomas Tschentscher LL.M..

Members of the research centre are Univ. Prof. Dr. Ralph Backhaus (Marburg), Univ. Prof. Dr. Steffen Detterbeck (Marburg), Dr. Daniel Ewert (Brussels), Univ. Prof. Dr. Georg Freund (Marburg), Univ. Prof. Dr. Werner Frotscher (Marburg), Univ. Prof. Dr. Gilbert Gornig (Marburg), Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Koenig, LL.M. ( Marburg), Univ. Prof. Dr. Dieter Meurer (Marburg), Dr. Thomas Tschentscher (Frankfurt) and Dr. Benedikt Wemmer (Berlin).