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CIAO DATE: 10/02
International Affairs:
A Russian Journal
No. 4, 2002
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
Key Tasks of Russian Diplomacy V. Putin
Traditions of the Past and Foreign Policy Today I. Ivanov
The MFA as Part of Russia's Cultural Legacy A. Torkunov
World Issues
Emergence of a New World Order S. Kortunov
RF Foreign Policy and Catching-up Development N. Simonia
Notes on the CFE Treaty V. Chernov
Naval Cooperation in the Black Sea A. Maslov
Russia, China and India in a Globalized World M. Titarenko
Risks in International Space Activities A. Krasnov
Russia-U.S.: Present and Past
Washington Withdraws from the ABM Treaty S. Kortunov
On U.S.-Russian Trade Cooperation Thomas Donohue
"Arms Reduction" Replaces "Arms Control" Iu. Dubinin
The Cuban Missile Crisis S. Khrushchev
John Adams in the History of U.S.-Russian Relations P. Stegnii
Commentary and Essays
Russia's Political History and Foreign Policy Iu. Pivovarov
On Russian Cultural Diplomacy E. Shmagin
The Foreign Service of the Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Kirill
Kazakhstan: Ten Years in the U.N. A. Arystanbekova
Dushanbe and Moscow S. Safarov
Along the Road Paved by Anglo-Saxons N. Narochnitskaia
Tony Blair: A Labourite with Hollywood Charisma M. Ozerov
Round Table Discussion
The European Economic Area
Foreign Minister Nikolai Giers (1882-1885) I. Grigorash
Foreign Minister Aleksei Lobanov-Rostovskii (1885-1886) Iu. Basenko
Contemporary Anecdotes
How They Sold Alaska. Russians Are Coming A. Potemkin