CIAO DATE: 11/00

International Affairs

International Affairs:
A Russian Journal

No. 5, 2000

Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation

I. General Provisions

The Foreign-Policy Concept of the Russian Federation is a system of views of the substance of and guidelines for the foreign-policy activities of Russia.

The legal framework of this Concept is provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation that govern the activities of the federal bodies of government in the domain of foreign policy, the universally recognized principles and norms of international law, and the international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as by the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation as approved by Decree No. 24 of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000.

The international situation by the beginning of the 21st century has required a rethinking of the overall situation around the Russian Federation, the priorities of Russian foreign policy and the resources available to support it. Along with a certain strengthening of the international positions of the Russian Federation, some negative tendencies have manifested themselves. Some of the expectations for the emergence of new, equitable and mutually beneficial relations of partnership between Russia and the surrounding world, as set forth in the Basic Provisions of the Foreign-Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, approved by Directive No. 284-rp of the President of the Russian Federation on April 23, 1993, and in other documents have not materialized.

The uppermost priority of the foreign-policy course of Russia is protection of the interests of the individual, society and the state. Within the framework of this process, the main efforts should be directed towards attaining the following principal objectives:

ensuring reliable security of the country and preserving and strengthening its sovereignty and territorial integrity and its strong and respected position in the world community that would best of all meet the interests of the Russian Federation as a great power and an influential center in the modern world and that are essential to the growth of its political, economic, intellectual and spiritual potential;

influencing world processes with the aim of shaping a stable, just and democratic world order, one based on the universally recognized norms of international law, including, first of all, the goals and principles of the UN Charter, and also on equitable relations of partnership among states;

creating favorable external conditions for the progressive development of Russia, for its eco- nomic upsurge, for raising the living standards, for the successful implementation of democratic change, for strengthening the foundations of the constitutional system, and for respect for human rights and freedoms;

forming a belt of good-neighborliness along the perimeter of Russia’s borders and helping to extinguish the existing seats of tension and conflicts and to prevent the emergence of potential ones in regions adjacent to the Russian Federation;

searching for accord and common interests with foreign countries and interstate associations in the process of tackling the tasks stemming from Russia’s national priorities and building, on this basis, a system of relations of partnership and alliance that would improve the conditions and parameters of international collaboration;

ensuring comprehensive protection of the rights and interests of Russian citizens and compatriots abroad;

promoting a positive perception of the Russian Federation in the world and popularization of the Russian language and the cultures of the peoples of Russia in foreign states.


II. Contemporary World and Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation

The contemporary world is going through fundamental and dynamic change that profoundly affects the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens. Russia is an active participant in this process. Being a permanent member of the UN Security Council, possessing a substantial potential and resources in every sphere of life and maintaining intensive relations with the leading states of the world, Russia exerts substantial influence on the formation of a new world order.

The transformation of international relations, the end of confrontation and continuous progress in overcoming the consequences of the Cold War, and the advance of Russian reform have substantially broadened possibilities for cooperation in the world arena. The threat of a global nuclear conflict has been minimized. While military force is still important in relations between states, an ever greater role is being played by economic, political, scientific, technological, environmental and information factors. Coming to the fore as the main components of the national might of the Russian Federation are its intellectual, information and communications capabilities, the well-being and educational standards of its people, the degree to which its scientific and production resources are dovetailed, the concentration

of financial capital, and the diversification of economic ties. The overwhelming majority of nations are by now firmly committed to market economy methods and to democratic values. Major breakthroughs in a number of key areas of scientific and technological progress, resulting in the formation of a single worldwide information environment, and the deepening and diversification of international economic ties are lending a global dimension to the interdependence of states. Prerequisites are being created for building up a more stable and crisis-proof world architecture.

At the same time, new challenges and threats to the national interests of Russia are emerging in the international sphere. A trend is growing towards the establishment of a unipolar world structure that would be dominated by the US economically and through force. There is a focus on restricted-membership Western institutions and fora in addressing fundamental issues of international security, with a weakening role of the UN Security Council.

The strategy of unilateral actions can destabilize the international situation, provoke tensions and an arms race, and exacerbate the contradictions between states and national and religious strife. The use of force-based methods in circumvention of the existing international legal mechanisms is incapable of removing the deep-seated socio-economic, ethnic and other contradictions that underlie conflicts, but only undermines the foundations of the rule of law.

Russia will seek to achieve a multi-polar system of international relations that would genuinely reflect the diversity of the contemporary world with its varied interests.

Such a world order can be guaranteed to be effective and durable if interests are taken into account on a reciprocal basis. The world order of the 21st century should be based on mechanisms of collective resolution of key problems, on the primacy of law and on a broad democratization of international relations.

Other trends that are immediately related to Russia’s interests include:

globalization of the world economy. Along with opening up additional possibilities for socio- economic progress and for broadening human contacts, this trend gives rise to new dangers, especially for economically weakened states, and the probability of large-scale financial and economic crises is growing. The risk of the economic system and information environment of the Russian Federation becoming dependent on external influences is increasing;

strengthening of the role of international institutions and mechanisms in the world economy and politics (G-8, the IMF, the World Bank and others), caused by the objectively growing interdependence of nations and by the need to make the international system more manageable. It is in Russia’s interest to have a full-scale and equitable role in drafting the fundamental principles that would govern the functioning of the world financial and economic system in the present conditions;

development of regional and sub-regional integration in Europe, the Asia-Pacific Region, Africa and Latin America. Associations based on integration are acquiring an ever-greater importance in the world economy and are becoming a significant factor of regional and sub-regional security and peacemaking;

military-political rivalry among regional powers and the rise of separatism, and ethnic, national and religious extremism. Integration processes, in particular, in the Euro-Atlantic region often assume a selective and restrictive character. Attempts to belittle the role of the sovereign state as a fundamental element of international relations create the threat of arbitrary interference in internal affairs. The problem of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and means of their delivery is acquiring serious dimensions. Ongoing or potential regional and local armed conflicts pose a threat to international peace and security. The growth of international terrorism, transnational organized crime, as well as illegal drug and arms trafficking are beginning to exert substantial influence on global and regional stability.

The threats related to the above trends are compounded by the fact that the resources available to support the foreign policy of the Russian Federation are limited, which makes it more difficult to successfully uphold its foreign economic interests and narrows the scope of its information and cultural influence abroad.

At the same time the Russian Federation has a real potential to ensure for itself an appropriate place in the world. Further strengthening of Russia’s state hood, consolidation of civil society and speedy transition to sustained economic growth have a critical role to play in this respect.

Over the past few decades Russia has been able to tap additional opportunities for international cooperation, opportunities that are opening up as a result of fundamental change in the country, made good progress on the road of integration in the system of world economic relations, and joined a number of influential international organizations and institutions. Through strenuous efforts Russia’s positions in the world have been strengthened in several areas of major importance.

The Russian Federation is pursuing an independent and constructive foreign policy, one based on consistency, predictability, and mutually advantageous pragmatism. This policy is transparent to the maximum possible degree, takes into consideration the legitimate interests of other states and is aimed at seeking joint decisions.

Russia is a reliable partner in international relations. Its constructive role in resolving acute international problems has been universally acknowledged.

A distinctive feature of Russia’s foreign policy is its balanced nature. This is predicated on its geopolitical position as a major Eurasian power, which requires an optimum mix of efforts in every direction. Such an approach predetermines Russia’s responsibility for maintaining security in the world at both the global and regional levels and calls for the development of foreign policy activities at a bilateral and multilateral basis in a mutually complementary manner.


III. Priorities of the Russian Federation in Addressing Global Problems

A successful foreign policy of the Russian Federation should be based on maintaining a reasonable balance between its objectives and possibilities for attaining them. Any focus of political, diplomatic, military, economic, financial and other means on accomplishing foreign policy missions should be commensurate with their real significance for Russia’s national interests, while the scope of participation in international affairs should be adequate to the actual contribution to strengthening the country’s positions. The diversity and complexity of international problems and the existence of crisis situations presuppose that the priority of each of them in the foreign policy agenda of the Russian Federation should be determined in a timely manner. It is necessary to enhance the effectiveness of political, legal, foreign-economic and other instruments of protecting Russia’s state sovereignty and its national economy at a time of globalization.

1.Building a New World Architecture

Russia has an interest in a stable system of international relations, a system based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation. Such a system is called upon to ensure reliable security for each member of the world community in the political, military, economic, humanitarian and other areas.

The United Nations should remain the principal center for managing international relations in the 21st century. The Russian Federation will resolutely oppose any attempts to belittle the role of the United Nations and its Security Council in world affairs.

Strengthening the consolidating role of the United Nations in the world calls for:

strict compliance with the fundamental principles of the UN Charter, including the preservation of the status of the permanent members of the UN Security Council;

a rational reform of the United Nations in order to develop its mechanism of prompt response to world developments, including the enhancement of its crisis and conflict prevention and settlement capability;

further enhancement of the efficiency of the UN Security Council, which bears primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and imparting a more representative character to this body by bringing in new permanent members, first and foremost well-respected developing states. Any reform of the United Nations must proceed from the assumption that the right of veto of the permanent members of the UN Security Council is inviolable.

Russia attaches great importance to its participation in the group of eight leading industrialized nations. Appreciating the mechanism of consultations and harmonization of positions on the most important problems of the day as one of the substantive instruments of upholding and advancing its foreign policy interests, the Russian Federation intends to build up collaboration with partners in this forum.

2. Strengthening International Security

Russia stands for further decreasing the role played by the factor of force in international relations with a simultaneous enhancement of strategic and regional stability. Toward this end, the Russian Federation:

will strictly respect the obligations it has assumed under the effective treaties and agreements on the limitation and reduction of armaments, and participate in drafting and concluding new accords that would be consistent both with its national interests and with the security interests of other states;

is prepared to further reduce its nuclear potential on the basis of bilateral agreements with the US and, in a multilateral format, with the participation of other nuclear powers on the condition that strategic stability in the nuclear sphere should not be upset. Russia will seek the preservation of and compliance with the 1972 Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems as the cornerstone of strategic stability. The implementation by the US of plans to create a missile defense system to defend the territory of the country will inevitably compel the Russian Federation to take adequate measures in order to maintain its national security at an appropriate level;

reaffirms its invariable course for participating, jointly with other states, in preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and means of their delivery, as well as relevant materials and technologies. The Russian Federation is an ardent supporter of reinforcing and developing the relevant international regimes, including the creation of a global system to monitor missile and missile technology non-proliferation. The Russian Federation intends to firmly honor its commitments under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and urges all the world’s nations to join it;

attaches special attention to ensuring information security as an aspect of consolidating strategic stability;

intends to further contribute to strengthening regional stability by participating in processes of reducing and limiting conventional armed forces as well as applying confidence-building measures in the military sphere;

regards international peacemaking as an effective instrument for settling armed conflicts and calls for reinforcing its legal base in strict accordance with the principles of the UN Charter. In supporting measures to build up and modernize the United Nations’ potential for anti-crisis rapid

response, the Russian Federation intends to continue its active participation in peacekeeping operations conducted both under the auspices of the United Nations, and, in specific cases, by regional and sub-regional organizations. The need for and extent of such participation will be correlated with the national interests and international commitments of the country. Russia proceeds from the premise that only the UN Security Council has the authority to sanction the use of force for the purpose of enforcing peace;

proceeds from the premise that the use of force in violation of the UN Charter is unlawful and threatens the stabilization of the entire system of international relations. Attempts to introduce concepts such as "humanitarian intervention" and "limited sovereignty" in international practice in order to justify unilateral forcible actions in circumvention of the UN Security Council are unacceptable. Being ready for substantive dialogue on upgrading the legal aspects of the use of force in international relations at a time of globalization, the Russian Federation proceeds from the assumption that any search for concrete forms of response on the part of the international community to various acute situations, including humanitarian crises, should be conducted collectively on the basis of strict observance of the norms of international law and the UN Charter;

will participate in activities under the auspices of the United Nations and other international organizations in order to clear up natural and man-made disasters, other emergency situations, as well as in rendering humanitarian aid to the affected countries;

regards the fight against international terrorism, which is capable of destabilizing the situation not only in individual states but in entire regions, as a major foreign policy mission. The Russian Federation stands for the further development of measures to intensify collaboration among states in this area. It is an immediate duty for every nation to protect its citizens against terrorist encroachments, to prevent any activity on its territory that is aimed at organizing such acts against citizens and interests of other countries, and to deny asylum to terrorists;

will purposefully fight illegal drug trafficking and the growth of organized crime in collaboration with other states in a multilateral format, primarily within the framework of specialized international agencies, as well as at a bilateral level.

3. International Economic Relations

The main priority of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation in international economic relations is to promote the development of the national economy, which at a time of globalization is unthinkable without Russia’s large-scale integration in the system of world economic ties. In order to achieve this objective, it is necessary:

to ensure favorable external conditions for shaping a market-oriented economy in the country and for developing a renewed external economic specialization of the Russian Federation, one that would guarantee maximum economic benefit from its participation in the international division of labor;

to minimize risks relating to the further integration of Russia in the world economy with due regard for the need to ensure the economic security of the country; to promote the formation of a fair international trade system with the full-fledged participation of the Russian Federation in international economic institutions that would ensure the protection of the national interests in such institutions;

to encourage the expansion of domestic export and rationalization of imports into the country, as well as Russian business abroad, uphold its interests in foreign markets and oppose any discrimination against domestic producers and exporters, and enforce strict compliance with the Russian legislation on the part of the Russian subjects of the foreign economic activity in conducting such operations;

to facilitate the mobilization of foreign investment, primarily, in the real sector and priority spheres of the Russian economy;

to ensure the preservation and optimum use of Russian property abroad;

to bring Russian foreign debt servicing into line with the real capabilities of the country and seek the maximum possible repayment of credits granted to foreign states;

to develop a comprehensive system of Russian legislation and an international contractual and legal framework in the economic sphere.

Russia should be prepared to make use of all the economic levers and resources available to it in order to protect its national interests.

Taking into account the growing threat of global natural and man-made disasters, the Russian Federation advocates broader international cooperation in order to ensure environmental security, including with the use of state-of-the-art technologies, for the benefit of the entire international community.

4. Human Rights and International Relations

Committed to the values of democratic society, including respect for human rights and freedoms, Russia sees its goals as follows:

to seek respect for human rights and freedoms all over the world on the basis of compliance with the rules of international law;

to protect the rights and interests of Russian citizens and compatriots abroad on the basis of international law and effective bilateral agreements. The Russian Federation will seek adequate guarantees for the rights and freedoms of compatriots in states of their permanent residence and maintain and develop all-round ties with them and with their organizations;

to develop international cooperation in the sphere of humanitarian exchanges;

to expand participation in international conventions and agreements in the sphere of human rights;

to continue bringing the legislation of the Russian Federation in conformity with Russia’s international obligations.

5. Information Support for Foreign Policy Activities

An important area of the foreign policy activities of the Russian Federation is objectively and accurately informing broad strata of the world public about Russia’s positions on key international problems, foreign policy initiatives and actions of the Russian Federation, and also about the achievements of Russian culture, science and intellectual endeavor. The goal of shaping a positive perception of Russia abroad and a friendly attitude towards it is becoming a priority. Purposeful efforts to extensively explain abroad the essence of Russia’s domestic policies and the processes taking place in the country should be part and parcel of this work. The speedy development in the Russian Federation of its own effective means of exerting information influence on public opinion abroad is becoming an urgent goal.


IV. Regional Priorities

A priority area in Russia’s foreign policy is to make sure that multilateral and bilateral cooperation with the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) conforms to the national security tasks of the country.

Emphasis will be made on the development of goodneighborly relations and strategic partnership with all the CIS member countries. Practical relations with each of them should be structured with due regard for reciprocal openness to cooperation and readiness to properly take into account the interests of the Russian Federation, including guarantees for the rights of Russian compatriots.

Proceeding from the concept of multi-speed and multi-level integration within the CIS, Russia will determine the parameters and character of its interaction with CIS member countries both within the CIS as a whole and in narrower associations, primarily in the Customs Union and the Collective Security Treaty. A priority task is to strengthen the Union of Belarus and Russia as the highest form of integration of two sovereign states at this stage.

We attach priority importance to joint efforts for settling conflicts in CIS member countries and to the development of cooperation in the military and political area and in the sphere of security, particularly in fighting international terrorism and extremism.

Serious emphasis will be made on the development of economic cooperation, including the creation of a free-trade zone and the implementation of programs of joint rational use of natural resources. Specifically, Russia will seek the formulation of a status of the Caspian Sea that would enable the littoral nations to launch mutually advantageous cooperation in developing the region’s resources on a fair basis and with due regard for the legitimate interests of each other.

The Russian Federation will make efforts to ensure the fulfillment of mutual obligations as regards preserving and augmenting the common cultural heritage in the CIS member countries.

Relations with European nations are Russia’s traditional foreign policy priority. The main goal of Russia’s foreign policy in Europe is to build a stable and democratic system of pan-European security and cooperation. Russia has an interest in the further balanced development of the multi-functional character of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and will make efforts in this direction.

It is important to make maximum use of the regulation-making potential, which that forum has accumulated since the adoption of the 1975 Helsinki Final Act and which remains fully relevant. Russia will strongly oppose any narrowing of the OSCE functions, in particular, any attempts to redirect its activities towards the post-Soviet space and the Balkans.

Russia will seek to make sure that the adapted Treaty on the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe becomes an effective instrument of ensuring European security and that confidence-building measures become comprehensive, covering, in particular, coalition activities and naval operations.

Proceeding from its own needs in building civil society, Russia intends to continue its participation in the activities of the Council of Europe.

Relations with the European Union (EU) are of key importance. The ongoing processes within the EU are having a growing impact on the dynamics of the situation in Europe. These include EU enlargement, transition to a common currency, institutional reform, and emergence of joint foreign and security policies and a common defense identity. Regarding these processes as an objective component of European development, Russia will seek due respect for its interests, including in the sphere of bilateral relations with individual EU member countries.

The Russian Federation views the EU as one of its main political and economic partners and will strive to develop intensive, sustainable and long-term cooperation with it, cooperation that would be free from any opportunistic fluctuations.

The character of relations with the EU is determined by the framework of the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation of June 24, 1994, establishing partnerships between the Russian Federation, on the one hand, and the European Communities and their member nations, on the other; that agreement is yet to start working at full capacity. Concrete problems, primarily the problem of adequate respect for the interests of the Russian side in the process of EU enlargement and reform, will be addressed on the basis of the Strategy for the Development of Relations between the Russian Federation and the European Union as approved in 1999. The EU’s emerging military and political dimension should become a matter of particular attention.

In realistically assessing the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Russia proceeds from the importance of cooperation with it in the interests of maintaining security and stability on the continent and is open to constructive interaction. The requisite framework for that was laid down by the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between the Russian Federation and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization of May 27, 1997. The intensity of cooperation with NATO will depend on the latter’s compliance with the key provisions of this document, primarily those concerning non-use of force; or threat of force and non-deployment of conventional armed force groupings or nuclear weapons and means of delivery thereof in the territories of new members.

However, NATO’s present-day political and military goals in many ways diverge from the security interests of the Russian Federation, and occasionally directly contradict them. First of all, this concerns the postulates of NATO’s new strategic concept that allow for the conduct of force-based operations outside the zone of the Washington Treaty without UN Security Council authorization. Russia continues to negatively view the expansion of NATO.

Intensive and constructive cooperation between Russia and NATO is only possible on the condition of due respect for the interests of the sides and unconditional compliance with the mutual obligations assumed.

Interaction with West European nations, primarily with such influential ones as France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy, is an important resource for Russia’s upholding its national interests in European and world affairs and for the stabilization and growth of the Russian economy.

Preservation of traditional human, economic, and cultural ties, the overcoming of the existing crisis phenomena and an additional impetus to cooperation in accordance with the new circumstances and the Russian interests retain their relevance in relations with Central and East European countries.

There are good prospects for the development of the Russian Federation’s relations with Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Russia stands for routing these relations onto the track of goodneighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation. One indispensable condition for that is respect for Russia’s interests on the part of those states, including on the central question of respect for the rights of the Russian-speaking population.

Russia will give every assistance to the attainment of a just and durable settlement of the situation in the Balkans, based on the concerted decisions of the world community. It is of fundamental importance to preserve the territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and to oppose the partition of this state – something that is fraught with the risk of an outbreak of a pan-Balkan conflict with unpredictable consequences.

The Russian Federation stands ready to overcome considerable latter-day difficulties in relations with the US and to preserve the infrastructure of Russian-American cooperation that has been developed over nearly the past 10 years. Despite the presence of serious and, occasionally, fundamental differences, Russian-American interaction is an essential condition for improving the international situation and achieving global strategic stability.

Above all, this concerns problems of disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as prevention and settlement of the most dangerous regional conflicts. It is only through active dialogue with the US that the issues of limitation and reduction of strategic nuclear weapons can be resolved. It is in our mutual interests to maintain regular bilateral contacts at all levels and to prevent pauses in relations and setbacks in negotiating processes on key political, military and economic matters.

Asia enjoys an ever growing importance in the context of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, which is due to Russia’s direct belonging in this dynamically developing region and to the need for an economic upsurge in Siberia and the Far East. Emphasis will be made on the invigoration of Russia’s participation in the main integration structures of the Asia-Pacific Region – the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, the regional security forum of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the Shanghai Five (Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia and Tajikistan), established with Russia’s initiative and active role.

Development of relations of friendship with the leading Asian nations, primarily with China and

India, constitutes a major goaJ for Russian foreign policy in Asia. The concurrence of the fundamental

approaches of Russia and the PRC to the key issues of world politics is one of the basic mainstays of regional and global stability. Russia seeks to develop mutually advantageous cooperation with China in all areas. The main task is, as before, to bring the scale of economic interaction into line with the level of political relations.

Russia intends to strengthen its traditional partnership with India, including in international affairs, and to help overcome problems persisting in South Asia and strengthen stability in the region.

Russia views the signing by India and Pakistan of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and their accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as an important factor of stability in the Asia-Pacific Region. It will support the line for the creation of nuclear weapon-free zones in Asia.

The Russian Federation favors the sustainable development of relations with Japan and the attainment of true goodneighborliness that would meet the national interests of both countries. Within the framework of the existing negotiating mechanisms, Russia will continue to seek a mutually acceptable solution regarding the formal recognition of an internationally recognized border between the two states.

Russian foreign policy is aimed at building up a positive momentum in relations with the states of South-East Asia.

It is important to continue developing relations with Iran.

The overall improvement of the situation in Asia, where the geopolitical ambitions of a number of states are growing, the arms race is escalating and seats of tensions and conflicts are persisting, is of fundamental importance to Russia. The situation on the Korean Peninsula is of particular concern. Efforts will be focused on assuring equitable participation of Russia in the solution of the Korean problem and on maintaining balanced relations with both Korean states.

The protracted conflict in Afghanistan poses a real threat to the security of the CIS southern borders and with the other states concerned, will make consistent efforts with a view to achieving a lasting and fair political settlement of the Afghan problem and preventing the export of terrorism and extremism from that country.

Russia will seek the stabilization of the situation in the Middle East, including the Persian Gulf zone and North Africa, taking into account the impact of the situation in the region on the world situation as a whole. Using its status as a co-sponsor of the peace process, Russia intends to pursue a policy line for active participation in the normalization of the post-crisis situation in the region. Russia’s priority in this context will be to restore and strengthen its positions, particularly economic ones, in this region of the world that is so rich an important for our interests.

Viewing the Greater Mediterranean as a hub of such regions as the Middle East, the Black Sea, the Caucasus and the Caspian, Russia intends to steer purposeful course toward turning it into a zone of peace, stability and goodneighborliness, which will help advance Russia’s economic interests, including the choice of routes for major energy flows.

Russia will expand interaction with African states and contribute to an early settlement of regional military conflicts in Africa. It is also necessary to promote political dialogue with the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and with sub-regional organizations and to use their capabilities for enabling Russia to join in multilateral economic projects on the continent.

Russia seeks a higher level of political dialogue and economic cooperation with the countries of Central and South America, relying on serious progress achieved in its relations with this region in the 1990’s. In particular, it will seek to expand interaction with nations of Central and South America in international organizations, to encourage Russian science-intensive industrial exports to Latin American countries, and to develop military and technical cooperation with them.

In defining regional priorities in its foreign policy, the Russian Federation will take into account the intensity of and trends in the formation of the major world centers and the degree to which their members are ready to broaden bilateral interaction with Russia.


V. Formulation and Implementation of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation

The President of the Russian Federation, in conformity with his constitutional powers, provides guidance for the country’s foreign policy and, as Head of State, represents the Russian Federation in international relations.

The Council of Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, within the framework of their constitutional powers, pursue legislative work to support the foreign policy course of the Russian Federation and fulfillment of its international obligations.

The Security Council of the Russian Federation drafts decisions of the President of the Russian Federation in the area of international security and monitors their implementation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation carries out work for the direct implementation of the foreign policy course approved by the President of the Russian Federation. The Foreign Ministry of Russia coordinates foreign policy activities pursued by federal executive authorities and monitors them in accordance with Decree No. 375 by the President of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1996, On the Coordinating Role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Conduct of Unified Foreign Policy Line of the Russian Federation.

The constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall pursue their international ties in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law On Coordination of International and External Economic Ties of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts. The Foreign Ministry of Russia and other federal executive authorities render assistance to constituent entities of the Russian Federation in their international cooperation with strict respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.

While preparing decisions on the conduct of the state’s foreign policy course, the federal executive authorities cooperate, if necessary, with non-governmental organizations of Russia. A more extensive involvement of non-governmental organizations in the country’s foreign policy activities is consistent with the task of ensuring maximum support by civil society for government foreign policy and is capable of contributing to its effective implementation.

Consistent implementation of foreign policy will create favorable conditions for the fulfillment of the historic choice of the peoples of the Russian Federation in favor of the rule-of-law state, democratic society, and a socially-oriented market economy.