CIAO DATE: 07/06

Global Issues

Global Issues


Arctic Monkeys: England's First Superstars of the iPod Age

Sheffield, England's newest under-twentysomething indie band, the Arctic Monkeys, exemplify teenagers using the Internet to get together with like-minded teenagers around the world. Together, lead vocalist Alex Turner, bass guitarist Andy Nicholson, drummer Matt Helders, and Jamie Cook on guitar currently hold the British record for fastest-selling debut album after theirs amassed an incredible 360,000 sales in its first week.

Credit this success to their utilization of the Internet. The Arctic Monkeys began distributing free demo CDs in 2003-2004. Their fan base quickly grew once these demos were transferred to the Internet for other like-minded teenagers to download and listen to. Soon fans were traveling great distances to make it to their gigs and surprised the band as they began singing back the words as they were performed.

Some are now hailing the Arctic Monkeys as the first superstars of the iPod age. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen. However, their success does demonstrate how modern technologies such as the Internet are bringing together people with similar interests. This accomplishment also enabled the band to extend their global reach by releasing their debut CD in the U.S. on February 21, 2006.

The Challenges of Globalization