CIAO DATE: 04/03

Global Issues

Global Issues

Volume 8, Number 1, February 2003

From the Editors

"Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."

First Amendment
to the Constitution of the United States

A fundamental axiom of democracy is that citizens must have information and knowledge. People must be informed if they are to play an active role in the life of their country. Free and responsible media are critical sources of information for citizens who want to choose the best leaders for their country and make sound decisions about the issues in their nation and in their individual communities.

The information the media provide is just as critical for intelligent economic and personal decisions as for good political choices. There is a strong relationship between open media and free and effective economies. In fact, recent studies conducted by the World Bank have shown that free media are essential for successful economic progress in developing countries.

It has long been the policy of the U.S. government to support the development of open and responsible media abroad and to assist in building the infrastructure needed for a free press to operate -- legislative infrastructure, financial independence, transparency in government, and journalists trained in objective and fair reporting. Achieving a free and responsible media is a constant, challenging, vital, and ongoing activity. We must continue to work at it, adapting to new conditions and challenges. We must keep in sight the ultimate objective -- a citizenry able to make informed decisions that shape their lives.