CIAO DATE: 03/02
US Foreign Policy Agenda
Volume 1, Number 14, October 1996
Foreign Policy and the 1996 Presidential Election
(Download the complete issue in PDF format)
From the Editors
Foreign Policy and Elections: The Durability of Bipartisanship, by Professor Robert Schulzinger, Department of History, University of Colorado in Boulder
International Cooperation and Trade: Key Themes for the Democrats, an interview with Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, Counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
Leadership and Consistency: Key Themes for the Republicans, an interview with General Brent Scowcroft, President of The Forum for International Policy and The Scowcroft Group
The Foreign Policy Factor in Presidential Campaigns, by Stephen Hess, Senior Fellow in Governmental Studies, Brookings Institution
The Process and the Players
What the Polls Say: Issues of Concern to American Voters, by Alvin Richman
The Role of Foreign Policy Advisers in Dole, Clinton Campaigns, by Wendy S. Ross
Platforms: How the Parties Define Their Policy Positions, by By Ralph Dannheisser
In Their Own Words: The Candidates on Foreign Policy
Democratic Presidential Nominee Bill Clinton, Forging a foreign policy that advances U.S. values
Republican Presidential Nominee Bob Dole, A pledge to pursue terrorists "to the ends of the earth"
Reform Party Presidential Nominee Ross Perot, In pursuit of "intelligent, free international trade"
Elsewhere on the Diplomatic Scene, Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
Action on Capitol Hill, Chemical Weapons Convention, defense authorization, U.S. action in Iraq, U.N. command of U.S. troops, Iran/Libya sanctions
A Guide to Additional Reading
Foreign Policy and the 1996 Presidential Election: Key Internet Sites (Internet links to resources on foreign policy and the campaign)
Foreign Policy and the 1996 Presidential Election: Bibliography (Spotlighting other views on the subject)
Article Alert: Other Political and Security Issues (Abstracts of current articles)