CIAO DATE: 03/02
US Foreign Policy Agenda
Volume 1, Number 4, May 1996
America's Role in a Changing World
(Download the complete issue in PDF format)
Forging a Foreign Policy That Reflects American Values, an interview with Peter Tarnoff, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Japan and Korea Two Examples of U.S. Commitment in Asia, by Winston Lord, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Goals in Africa: Promoting Democracy, Peace, Economic Growth, an interview with George E. Moose, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
The U.S. Approach to European Security, by Chris Dell, Deputy Director for Political Affairs, Office of European Security and Political Affairs, Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State
Summit Process Helping the Americas Solve Joint Problems, an interview with Ambassador Richard C. Brown, Senior Coordinator, Summit of the Americas
Middle East Priorities: Peace Process, Persian Gulf Security, by Robert H. Pelletreau, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs
Lessening Tensions Is Focus of U.S. Policy in South Asia, an interview with Robin Raphel, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs
The Complicated World That Has Replaced the Cold War, by Jim Anderson, Correspondent for dpa, the German Press Agency
Many Constituencies Influence U.S. Foreign Policy-Making, by I.M. Destler, Professor, School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland
We Have Begun to Make Our Way in the Post-Cold War World, by Morton I. Abramowitz, President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Action on Capitol Hill, Anti-terrorism, immigration, Iran sanctions, chemical weapons
Elsewhere on the Diplomatic Scene, Nuclear test ban, International Criminal Court, human rights
Spotlight on U.S. Speakers, Journalist Don Oberdorfer on relations with China
A Guide to Additional Reading
America's Role: Key Internet Sites (Internet links to a wide range of foreign policy resources)
America's Role: Bibliography (Spotlighting other views on U.S. foreign policy)
Article Alert: Other Political and Security Issues (Abstracts of current articles)