CIAO DATE: 03/02
US Foreign Policy Agenda
Volume 2, Number 3, August 1997
Arms Control: The U.S. Perspective
(Download the complete issue in PDF format)
From the Editors
Arms Control: A Central Element of U.S. Foreign Policy, by John D. Holum, Director, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
U.S. Non-Proliferation Strategy: "No Higher Priority", by James Steinberg, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
CFE Flank Agreement: Enhancing U.S. and European Security, by Walter B. Slocombe, Under Secretary of Defense for Polic
Nuclear Threat Reduction: An Ounce of Prevention, by Dr. Susan Koch, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Threat Reduction Policy
After Peace Agreements Are Signed, the Landmines Remain, an interview with Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy
Backgrounding the Key Issues
Arms Control Chronology, A history of international efforts in arms control
Arms Control Fact Sheet, A review of current major arms control issues
White House Fact Sheet on Landmines, Progress on a global ban and demining activities
A Guide to Additional Reading
Arms Control: The U.S. Perspective: Bibliography (Spotlighting other views on the subject)
Arms Control: The U.S. Perspective: Key Internet Sites (Internet links to resources on arms control)