Promoting the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption in a Globalized Economy, by Stuart Eizenstat, Undersecretary of State for Economics, Business and Agricultural Affairs
The OECD Anti-Corruption Treaty: Why Is It Needed, How Will It Work?, An interview with Eleanor Roberts Lewis, Chief Counsel for International Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce
Corruption: A Persistent Development Challenge, by J. Brian Atwood, Director, U.S. Agency for International Development
A Back-to-Basics Anti-Corruption Strategy, by James Wolfensohn, President, World Bank
Curbing Corruption: Reforming the Bribe-Givers, by Frank Vogl, Vice Chairman, Transparency International
Corruption in Procurement, by Donald Strombom, President, IDBC
The Integrity Pact: A Way Out of the Trap, by Michael Wiehen, Chairman, Transparency International - Germany, and Carel Mohn, Chief Information Officer, Transparency International
Journalist Training to Curb Corruption, by David Pezzullo, Consultant, Economic Development Institute, The World Bank
Corruption: The Polish and Russian Experiences, by Timothy Frye, Assistant Professor of Political Science, The Ohio State University
Facts and Figures
Summary of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
Transparency International's 1998 Corruption Perception Index
The International Chamber of Commerce's Rules Against Extortion and Bribery