New Challenges in Hunger, by Tony Hall, Ambassador-designate to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, World Food Program and International Fund for Agricultural Development; current Member, U.S. House of Representatives; Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus Task Force on Hunger
Ensuring Safe Food, by Sally McCammon, Chief Scientist, Agriculture and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Food and Agriculture in Bangladesh: A Success Story, by Gordon West, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Asia and Near East Bureau, United States Agency for International Development
Global Food Security, by G. Edward Schuh, Regents Professor of International Economic Policy, University of Minnesota
Battling Hunger with Biotechnology, by Gregory Conko, Director of Food Safety Policy, Competitive Enterprise Institute, and C.S. Prakash, Professor of Plant Molecular Genetics, Tuskegee University
Rice: Why Its So Essential for Global Security and Stability, by Ronald Cantrell, Director General, International Rice Research Institute
Two Views on Food Labeling
Food Labeling In Codex Alimentarus, by Ellen Matten, International Policy Analyst, U.S. Codex Office
Labeling and Traceability of Bioengineered Foods, by Kristin Dawkins, Vice President, and Neil Sorensen, Program Associate, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Processing Technologies to Protect Food, by Timothy Willard, Vice President of Communications, National Food Processors Association