CIAO DATE: 03/03
Volume 8, Number 1, January 2003
Overfishing: A Global Challenge (Download the complete issue in PDF format)
From the editor (PDF format, 1 page, 40 kbs)
Focus Articles
Current Challenges in International Fisheries (PDF format, 3 pages, 60 kbs), by John Turner, Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs
Eliminating Fishing Subsidies As A Way To Promote Conservation (PDF format, 2 pages, 56 kbs), by Alice Mattice, Director for Trade and Environmental Policy Planning, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
How International Enforcement Cooperation Deters Illegal Fishing In The North Pacific (PDF format, 3 pages, 60 kbs), by Commander John Davis, Chief, Fisheries Enforcement Division, U.S. Coast Guard
The Environmental Consequences and Economic Costs of Depleting The World’s Oceans (PDF format, 3 pages, 60 kbs), by Angela Somma, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service
International Instruments For International Fisheries (PDF format, 4 pages, 68 kbs), by David Balton, Director of the Office of Marine Conservation, U.S. Department of State
Creating and Implementing International Fisheries Conservation Agreements (PDF format, 2 pages, 52 kbs), by Dean Swanson, Chief, International Fisheries Division, National Marine Fisheries Service
Some Observations on Developments in World Fisheries (PDF format, 3 pages, 60 kbs), by David J. Doulman, Senior Fishery Liaison Officer, Fisheries Department, U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization
America’s Stake In The Conservation Of Fisheries And The Oceans (PDF format, 4 pages, 60 kbs), by Scott Burns, World Wildlife Fund
The Global Fish Market and the Need for Multilateral Fishing Disciplines (PDF format, 3 pages, 60 kbs), by Justin LeBlanc, Vice President for Government Relations, National Fisheries Institute
A Developing Country Puts a Halt to Foreign Overfishing (PDF format, 3 pages, 60 kbs), by Paul Nichols, Special Adviser to the Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia
Facts And Figures
A Look at Recent FAO Global Data on the State of Fish Stocks (PDF format, 4 pages, 56 kbs)
International and Regional Fisheries Management Arrangements (PDF format, 1 page, 40 kbs)
Fisheries And The World Summit on Sustainable Development (PDF format, 3 pages, 64 kbs)
Information Resources
Key Contacts and Internet Sites (PDF format, 1 page, 36 kbs)
Additional Readings (PDF format, 1 page, 52 kbs)