Supporting Africa's Transformation, by Rodney E. Slater, U.S. Secretary of Transportation
Integrating Africa Into the World Trading System, by Rosa M. Whitaker, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa
President Clinton's Partnership Initiative for Africa, by Witney Schneidman, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
Africa's New Approach to Development: A Progress Report, by Mima S. Nedelcovych, President, Corporate Council on Africa, and Vice President for International Operations, F.C. Schaffer & Associates, Inc.
Africa Adapts to the Global Economy, An Interview With Edith G. Ssempala, Ambassador from the Republic of Uganda to the United States
Marketing Sub-Saharan Africa as a Location for Foreign Investment, by Louis T. Wells, Professor of International Management, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
Last Chance for Africa, by George B. N. Ayittey, Professor of Economics, The American University, and President of The Free Africa Foundation
Facts and Figures
U.S. Government Initiatives for Africa
The African Growth and Opportunity Act
The Cologne Debt Initiative: The G-7 Debt Relief Plan
Sub-Saharan African Economic Organizations
U.S.-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade
Information Resources
Key Contacts and Internet Sites
Additional Readings on Promoting Trade and Investment in Africa