CIAO DATE: 02/05/08
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European Affairs
Volume 8, Number 1 - Spring 2007
U.S. Can Legitimize its Role
Joëlle Attinger
Full Text
Überpower: The Imperial Temptation of America
By Josef Joffe, W. W. Norton, 256 pages
Reviewed by Joëlle Attinger
The anecdote is apocryphal but
telling. A German high school student
writes her local newspaper to complain
about the growing number of belligerent
black squirrels that are threatening the
local species—“Americanization in the
animal kingdom,” she claims angrily.
Never mind that most American squirrels
are gray and that there are still ample
numbers of their German kin. If it’s negative,
then it must be American.
Anti-Americanism is hardly a new
or unexplored phenomenon. After all,
both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas
Jefferson encountered it repeatedly during
their tenures as Ambassadors of the
United States to France. However, in the
wake of the “official death” of the Soviet
Union on Christmas Day 1991, anti-
Americanism has acquired a deeply
troubling virulence that expands far beyond
the realm of nihilists and Jihadists.
In part, that is because there is no nation
of equal stature on the world stage to
shoulder criticism for the world’s woes,
real and imagined. On the other hand,
current American foreign policy has by
and large shunned the very alliances that
could bolster the international legitimacy
of its unique role and position.
What’s an Überpower to do?
First, understand the roots of discontent.
Josef Joffe offers a wonderfully
textured analysis of why America has become
Europe’s favorite whipping boy.
Quite provocatively, he posits that anti-
Americanism is the most potent force
unifying Europe today. “The European
Union is fitfully undoing national sovereignty
while failing to provide its citizens
with a common sense of identity or collective
nationhood,” he argues. “If there
is a common identity, it defines itself in
opposition to the United States—to both
its culture and its clout.”
American self-confidence and uncommon
patriotism only serve to
heighten Europe’s sensibilities about its
fledgling identity, according to Joffe.
(German-born Josef Joffe owes some of
his insights to his exemplary bona fides
from both sides of the Atlantic as editor
and publisher of
Die Zeit after a long
stint as foreign editor at
Zeitung and as a Harvard graduate and
fellow or board-member in several U.S.
think tanks.)
Further deepening the Atlantic divide
is the failure of key European member
states, most notably France and Germany,
to address effectively the social
and economic realities of the new, more
competitive world economic order. Joffe
is unsparing about this European failure
to see, much less to act. Europe’s fabled
social contract is no longer viable. And
America is not solely to blame. Welcome
to globalization. In addition to the emergence
of new economic powerhouses,
such as China and India, there are the
newer members of the EU, which Joffe
labels “Czechia” (works hard, costs less).
And “Brussels” steadily erodes vestiges
of national economic security. He chides
European leaders for failing to overhaul
the welfare state, to ease labor market
constraints and to live up to their
avowed agenda of making Europe more
The proverbial Trojan horse is being
re-enacted in Europe, where the enemy
is inside one’s own city, but Europe’s
leaders refuse to see it for fear of their
own political and electoral undoing. Instead,
they fall back on anti-Americanism,
suffusing it with a tone of superiority
and deprecation. As Joffe points out,
such resentment is not new to the old
continent when it faces unsettling
change. German romantics railed against
the reason and secularism of the Age of
Enlightenment, and in the early 20th
century, the social and economic forces
of modernization came under the fierce
assaults that produced so much violence.
Most disquieting of all—for Europeans
and, to a degree, for Joffe, too—
are the fears of instability in a unipolar
world and the attendant uncertainties of
what the Americans may do, particularly
in the wake of 9/11. As the Bush Administration’s
decision to eschew a global alliance
in its rush to the war in Iraq all
too clearly demonstrated, the United
States is no longer fettered by the rules of
engagement encoded by the post-World
War II order. Gone is the great balancing
game that provided a measure of global
stability and discipline, allowing lesser
powers to depend, with varying degrees
of comfort or discomfort, on the competing
superpowers. In its stead has
emerged a redefinition of American foreign-
policy goals that aims at ensuring
the lasting global supremacy of the
United States. While the Clinton Administration
embraced what Joffe terms “a
soft triumphalism” and found comfort in
its view of America as “the indispensable
nation,” Al Qaeda’s shattering attack on
American sovereignty changed all that.
The United States embraced a new policy of “preventive/preemptive war” and
warned that it would not hesitate to act
alone in defense of the national interest.
In March 2003, America acted on its
word and, with a fragile coalition, invaded
Going it alone is not a sustainable
policy, Joffe argues, suggesting that policy-
makers in Washington would do well
to dust off their European history books
to formulate a new strategy that protects
America’s primacy through the 21st century.
From the annals of the British Empire,
Joffe seizes on Britain’s ability to
keep her continental rivals from ganging
up against her. “Its grand strategy was to
stay aloof from the quarrels of Europe.
Failing that, it would intervene—always
with others—against the hegemonist du
jour. But the main game was to reduce
other players’ incentives to gang up on
Albion,” he writes. A similar balancing
strategy, this time designed for a continental
nation, was practiced by Germany’s
Second Reich under Chancellor
Otto von Bismarck on the basis of his
three cardinal rules of diplomacy: “Keep
out, Keep them busy,” and “Keep them
away.” The wily Chancellor’s “pactomania”
wove a web of ever-shifting alliances
that protected Berlin by restricting the
ability of rival powers to surround Germany.
While neither model alone can
solve the challenges facing America
today, Joffe argues that a blend of both
Despite the damage to America’s
standing wrought by Iraq II (“a war
against the wrong foe at the wrong
time”), Joffe passionately contends that
the United States must also renew its
commitment to building a new international
order. “History whispers at any
rate,” he writes, “that primacy is not a
fixture of international life. It has to be
conquered anew every day. So balancing
and bonding are not enough; these
strategies have to be reinforced by building.
Balancing dismantles threats; bonding
keeps them from arising. But building
an international order that turns
rivals into stakeholders is the magic catalyst
that transmutes raw power into legitimate
power,” he counsels.
Indeed, Joffe counsels, the power of
enlightened self-interest should propel
the United States to reinvest in the very
world that shuns it. Learn from America’s
hour of triumph at the end of World
War II, he recommends: in the postwar
era, successive U.S. governments not
only secured the nation’s status as a superpower
but legitimized it by providing
a stunning array of international and regional
public goods. The United States
needs to do so again.
Joëlle Attinger is the former Chief of
Correspondents for Time magazine.