CIAO DATE: 02/05/08

European Affairs
Volume 8, Number 1 - Spring 2007
E—Stonia: Pioneer of Internet Innovation and e-Goverment
Kertu Ruus
Full Text
Estonia became the first country to
introduce nationwide voting via internet
when this technology was used in legislative
elections in February 2007. About three percent of the electorate
availed themselves of this option. The
experiment was deemed a success; no
problems were reported; and it may have
helped increase voter participation.
In other countries, including European
nations and the U.S., the idea of
online elections has earned mixed reviews,
partly because of fears that larger
countries allow more scope for hacking
and tampering.
But Estonians were hardly surprised
to find themselves setting the pace. Estonia,
the northernmost of the three
Baltic countries, has made extraordinary
strides in information technology, both
in nationwide penetration and in innovative
global applications. Similarly, the
emergence of Skype, the global internet
phone company with technology invented
in Estonia, prompted the
York Times to dub Estonia “the Silicon
Valley of the Baltic.’’
Estonians feel they have earned
some bragging rights in making our
often-chilly streets compatible with hot
technology. In the latest World Economic
Global Information Technology
Report, Estonia, despite being one
of the poorer countries in the European
Union, ranked 23rd in the world in
terms of its overall IT level. The little
country moves up close to the head of
the class when you look
at how much IT
is used in daily life. The figures, confirmed
in eTrack and Eurostat surveys,
showed that 56 percent of Estonians
(aged 15-74) were using their computers
last year, 53 percent regularly spent time
on the web and mobile-phone penetration
reached 107 percent.
These numbers put Estonia in the
top ten EU countries for computer use.
Almost every second Estonian between
the ages of 15 and 75 has access to a
computer at home, and 81 percent of all
computer-owning households have internet
access—including nearly a third
with broadband connections. Naturally,
“wi-fi” access is increasingly available in
cafes and other locations across the
country—including gas stations.
Estonia’s strong performance in IT is
especially remarkable, since the country
still has a comparatively low overall living
standard. The general standard of living
is still far below the EU average: a Eurostat
survey this year estimated Estonians’
purchasing power as only 57 percent of
the EU average. At current growth rates
(roaring ahead at 12 percent in the second
quarter of 2006), Estonia will catch
up with Portugal in the coming decade
and then Greece in the next.
Internet use is most active among
the younger generation (ages 16-24, including
99 percent of students). Perhaps
more surprisingly, use is also spreading
fast among older people: a recent survey
showed that nearly half of people aged
50 to 60 use the web regularly.
But a fundamental point about the
special IT culture in “E-stonia” is an emphasis
on making sure that IT innovations
are applied to making daily life easier
and more comfortable for everybody.
Of all internet users, 83 percent go online
to use e-mail; 77 percent to read
newspapers, magazines and other online
media; 75 percent for banking and
70 percent to look for products and services.
Banks in Estonia have nearly 1.1
million on-line banking clients—in a
country with a population of 1.3 million.
A key factor in explaining how IT
succeeded in “taking over” in Estonia is
the ease with which people can do so
many errands from their computers,
without leaving home. Estonia is the
only country in Europe with well-established
practices using “digital signatures”
—in other words, a person’s identity can
be authenticated electronically thanks to
an electronic identity card. The introduction
of such electronic ID cards remains
controversial and blocked in
many countries. Many other EU countries
lack traditions of identity cards
(such as Britain) or centralized electronics
(such as Germany).
Even in Estonia, which is used to ID
cards and electronics, the new system
needed strong leadership to put in place.
The nascent ID card was greeted with
skepticism among many politicians. The
results have proven them wrong. The first
electronic ID cards were issued in January
2002. By October 2006, one million cards
had been issued, with about 90 percent of
residents in Estonia aged 15 to 74 having
one. Linnar Viik, often described as “the
guru of Estonian IT,” says that the only
thing he hasn’t done with his ID-card is to
spread butter on a slice of bread.
This little blue piece of plastic offers
a wide variety of uses which are, although
more sophisticated than spreading
butter on your bread, still simple
enough to be generally used. Many of
these innovations based on the ID cards
are directed at simplifying government
bureaucracy and services.
Take electronic voting, as a major
step toward electronic governance. Estonia
was the first country anywhere to institute
electronic voting in national elections
in 2005, though several other
countries had had smaller-scale pilot
projects. The number of valid e-votes
cast at national elections of local councils
was 9,287, accounting for 1.85 percent
of all votes cast.
Estonia started developing its e-voting
system in 2003 with the objective of
providing voters with an additional opportunity
to cast their votes. Each voter
can decide whether he prefers to go to
the polling station or cast his ballot from
his or her computer. (If a voter goes to a
polling station after casting an e-vote, his
or her e-vote is deleted and only the last
ballot counted. 30 people decided to go
to a polling station after casting e-votes
in last year’s election.) Prior to the election,
a database of citizens with the right
to vote was developed, so that only people
who were entitled to vote could cast
their ballot, using their ID cards as the
authentication mechanism.
While the first e-voting election may
have proved too high-tech for most citizens,
these same Estonians do not hesitate
to use their electronic ID cards elsewhere.
Take public transport as an
example. Last year nearly a million public
transportation tickets and cards were
bought using the ID-card in Estonia.
Using electronic ID cards, tickets can be
bought via the internet, at vending
kiosks or over the phone. The system
covers public transport in the country’s
two largest cities.
When the controller goes through
the bus to check whether passengers
have valid tickets, passengers present
their ID-cards instead of paper tickets.
The card can then be checked electronically
to verify that it includes a valid
“ticket.” The system has proved its convenience
and reliability, according to Ain
Järv, CEO of Sertifitseerimiskeskus, the
company that developed the system and
runs it. He notes that the last ID-ticket of
2005 was purchased on New Year’s Eve at
23:55 online and the first ticket of 2006
was purchased at 00:09 on a landline
phone—just minutes into the New Year.
Drivers are also looked after electronically
with “M-solutions.” For car parking,
you have a “mobile account”—an on-line
billing system. When you pull into a paid
parking place, you use your mobile phone
to send in a text message with your license plate
number and location. When you pull
out of the parking space, you send another
message saying you are “checking out.” The
system bills you. So drivers no longer have
to worry about finding change and running
out to feed the meter.
Paying taxes is a major item in electronic
government in Estonia. In the
United States, the Brookings Institution
recently launched a new program, the
Hamilton Project that promotes the idea
of having the Internal Revenue Service
send pre-filled tax returns to taxpayers.
For this, the IRS would use the information
about income that it receives from
employers and banks, then compute the
amount of tax due and distribute precompleted
returns. Brookings estimates
that this procedure can cover up to 40
percent of taxpayers, saving taxpayers
annually up to 225 million hours of time
in filing preparations and more than two
billion dollars in preparation fees.
Reading about this in the
New York
Times as an innovation, an Estonian is
inclined to wonder, where have you
been? Estonians take it for granted that
they will get a pre-filled tax return. As a
result, four-fifths of Estonian taxpayers
file their declarations on line. (The rate is
even higher for companies.) For a person
with one employer and no other income
to declare, it takes a couple of minutes to
push the “enter” button a few times to
confirm and file an income return.
As an incentive to internet-savvy
taxpayers, the Estonian taxation and customs
office tries to refund any overpaid
tax within five business days of receiving
an electronic return. (Employers withhold
a flat-rate income tax, so some taxpayers
in the lower bracket have overpayments
due to be returned to them at
the end of the tax year.) Last year the tax
authorities claimed to have delivered
more than 90 percent of refunds on time.
E-governance extends to school. Estonian
parents can now follow their children’s
performance on the internet or on
mobile phones. And this year for the
first time future students could apply to
university without the nostalgic ritual of
“taking the papers” to the campus. Over
26,000 applicants preferred to apply
using the new online system this spring,
sending in their applications a few weeks
after they had received their final high school
grades—on their mobile phones,
of course.
Against this background, it was obviously
not a coincidence that Estonia
was the birthplace of Skype, the world’s
largest provider of phone services using
the “voice over internet protocol,” or
VOIP, to make telephone calls between
any two locations in the world—free of
charge—via computers and the internet.
Skype is unquestionably Estonian
IT’s greatest international success story.
In 2005 Skype Technologies was purchased
by Ebay Inc. for $2.6 billion. (That
figure amounts to nearly half of Estonia’s
national budget.) Although most of the
sale proceeds went to the Scandinavian
investors behind the company and its
legal headquarters are in Luxembourg,
the company’s rise and success is a very
Estonian story. Most of the firm’s employees
are based in Tallinn, the Estonian
capital, and this is where the Skype software was
written—by the same team that
had created the popular (and controversial)
file-sharing program, Kazaa.
“Skype has brought more fame to Estonia
than any other business or person
from this country,” Allan Martinson, former
head of the successful Estonian ITcompany
Microlink, has said. Writing in
the Estonian business daily Äripäev
shortly after the Skype-Ebay deal was announced,
he noted that the head of the
U.S. Federal Communications Commission
had said that after downloading
Skype, he understood that the world of
telecommunications would never be the
same again. Today Skype has nearly 150
million users, with a quarter-million more
customers joining every day. (In other
words, Skype gains as many clients a week
as the entire population of Estonia.)
Amid such success, people often ask
whether Estonia can keep up the pace
and hold onto its leading position. Estonians
are beginning to catch up with
Scandinavian entrepreneurs in access to
capital markets, but there are at least two
other obvious threats to Estonia’s hopes
in the sector of electronic innovation:
bad (or even just stagnant) government
policy and a lack of skilled labor. These
problems could easily combine. Across
the board, from companies such as Skype
to the E-minded government agencies,
there are signs of a shortage of IT specialists.
Yet Skype executives complain about
their problems getting work permits to
bring highly-skilled foreign IT-specialists
to work in the Skype offices.
“I believe that there is no other company
in Estonia where 33 nations are
working together. With this in mind, I
am simply dumbfounded by some of the
views expressed in the public debate here
about foreign labor,’’ Sten Tamkivi, head
of Skype’s Estonia operations, has said.
Tamkivi has called for “temporary work
visas” as a solution. But so far the government
has continued to pursue discussions,
not action.
Domestically, Estonian universities,
drawing on a good school system that
has scientific strengths from Soviet-era
education, are turning out a couple of
hundred IT-specialists a year. But this is
not enough: Skype alone said last year
that it was hoping to hire 300 additional
people. Moreover, as young specialists
are being grabbed up by the market
(many even without degrees), they are
not available to stay in academia and
pass on their knowledge.
There are encouraging signs, however.
This year the number of applications
in IT-related studies grew by 40
percent in Estonian universities. Half of
that growth was attributed to the Estonian
Information Technology College, the
country’s only institution of higher education
focusing on IT fields: it had a
record number of applications this year.
So the field is becoming more competitive,
and universities are creating more
places for students who are ready to pay
their way. Which means the supply of
Estonian IT-specialists is set to expand.
But what about the chemistry of innovation?
As Microlink’s Martinson
noted, the most important impact on Estonia
of Ebay’s purchase of Skype may be
as an inspiration for others. According to
Martinson, “we’ve got the taste of it now.
We have over a hundred men and
women who have witnessed the creation
of Skype from the inside and learned a
lesson. What are hundreds of young people
asking themselves today? If Skype
can do it, why can’t I?”
Ultimately, even after all the major
investors got their pay-outs from the
Skype sale, $130 million of the proceeds
stayed in Estonia in the hands of four
gifted local programmers. Much of that
money has been reinvested in high-tech
start-ups that are deemed to have international
potential. For such people a few
million dollars can go a long way.
So E-stonia may be only beginning
to surprise the world.