CIAO DATE: 02/05/08

European Affairs
Volume 8, Number 1 - Spring 2007
Visa Waivers: A Damaging U.S.-EU Imbroglio
Helle Dale
Full Text
Currently, the U.S. visa process is the
most contentious and damaging issue
between the United States and some of
its staunchest allies in Europe. The problem
is that some new EU member-states
are not recognized by Washington as
qualifying for their citizens to enter the
U.S. under what are called “visa waiver”
permissions. As a result, all these would be
visitors have to obtain visas from U.S.
consulates in their countries—a procedure
that often turns out to be slow, expensive,
frustrating—and can wind up
in a bureaucratic dead end.
It is not a small problem—neither
for the affected nations nor, if one thinks
about it, for Washington. What is normally
perceived as just a procedural
problem has, in fact, got wrapped
around some very big axles as anti-terrorism
concerns mounted sharply in the
U.S. in the same year as the most recent
EU enlargement took in a large batch of
new member-states. Of the 12 countries
that feel particularly discriminated
against, 11 are from the EU: Poland,
Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia,
Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, Greece, and Malta. The remaining
frustrated ally is South Korea.
In the longer run, failure to find a way
to smooth this obstacle would amount to a
crushing blow for the affected EU countries.
But the route to change is a long and
arduous road and, at this point, success is
by no means guaranteed.
In Washington, embassies of the affected
nations, backed by the European
Commission, have waged a determined
campaign lobbying for changes in the
process. Congress—which has ultimate
responsibility for U.S. regulations in this
matter—has tried several times to find
consensus on revising the relevant pieces
of legislation, without success. Meanwhile
the problem is fueling anti-U.S.
antagonisms and a perception of capricious
discrimination by U.S. bureaucrats
—and damping the visits to the U.S. of
people from countries with whom Washington
would like to improve commercial
and intellectual ties. Meanwhile horror
stories abound from friends and
diplomats from Central and Eastern Europe about the problems besetting foreigners
seeking to visit the United States. In fact bringing up the subject of visas
with any resident of those countries is
like waving a red flag before a bull.
Doing an informal survey around me, I
asked a Polish friend—who is working
as an au pair in Washington—how hard
it was for her to get a visa to the United
States. “Not hard at all,” she replied, “except
that I had to travel all night from
my hometown, Marburg, to Warsaw for
an 8 am meeting at the U.S. embassy,
which in the end lasted less than 2 minutes.
I was so mad.”
Registered with a State Department approved
au pair program, she was
among the lucky ones to pass briskly
through the U.S. consular process. Others
—many others—do not fare so well. For
example, if this young woman’s Polish
family wants to visit her in Washington as
tourists, U.S. consular officers at the Warsaw
Embassy might take dimmer view of
their visa applications and turn them
down—without any refund of the $100
application fee. Twenty-seven percent of
all Poles’ visa applications are rejected.
In contrast, if the Washington family
had sought a German or French au-pair,
these questions and difficulties would
never have arisen. Germany, France,
Britain and 25 other countries, including
Japan, are part of the U.S. “visa waiver”
program set up in 1986 to make travel
easier to the United States.
Under the program, citizens of most
countries in Western Europe can travel
for up to 90 days as tourists to the
United States without needing to worry
about a visa. Today, two-thirds of all visitors
to the United States come from visa waiver
countries. Beyond Western Europe,
this program also includes other
Asian countries such as: Australia, New
Zealand, Singapore and Brunei.
The criteria for countries to join the
visa waiver program is their track record
—specifically, that no more than three
percent of applicants from that country
are turned down by U.S. consular officials
and fewer than two percent of visitors
from that country overstay their visa
time in the United States. Each qualifying
country must reciprocate by offering
visa-free travel for American citizens.
Since September 11, 2001, for security
reasons, no new countries have been
admitted to the program. So, in practice,
the consequences of the system amount
to a prolongation of the post-World War
II division of Europe embodied in the
wartime “Yalta agreement.” In other
words, new members of the EU and
NATO—ex-members of the Soviet bloc
—find themselves again behind the Iron
Curtain that Winston Churchill famously
described as a barrier running from
“Stettin [a Polish seaport] in the Baltic to
Trieste in the Adriatic.” U.S. policy has always
been aimed at tearing down this
wall, so it is ironic that Washington is
now preserving a form of this past division
by extending favorable treatment to
the wealthier nations of Western Europe
and denying it to the poorer cousins of
the East. Despite the National Security
Strategy in which the United States proclaimed its intention to seek “a Europe
whole and free,” this very down-to-earth
disparity exists and is being perpetuated
by U.S. practices regarding visas.
Very few Americans appreciate just
how much the perceived inequity of the
U.S. visa regime rankles among some of
the people they considered their friends
abroad. In fact, Americans might be perturbed
if they knew, and Congress and
the Bush administration might have done
something about the problem sooner.
Opinions of the United States are dropping
even among these otherwise staunch
allies. In the most recent German Marshall
Fund poll of Transatlantic trends,
only one country in the region, Romania,
viewed U.S. global leadership more positively
than negatively.
In more concrete and damaging
terms, a global survey of businessmen
early this year found that, by a large majority,
they rated the United States as the
country they least liked to visit—mainly
because of hassles and perceived rudeness
by officials at entry points for foreigners
to the U.S.
A solution of the issue of visa
waivers could have a huge positive impact
for American public diplomacy. The
issue is followed with excruciatingly intense
interest by the media of the excluded
countries as a barometer of their
relationship with the United States.
Every statement by a U.S. official on the
subject causes immediate reaction—in
practice, usually one of disappointment.
As much as the expense and inconvenience
of applying for a visa, it is the
feeling of being treated like second class
citizens that has a lot of Central and East
Europeans up in arms. South Koreans feel
similarly snubbed at not being allowed to
qualify for visa waivers. Compounding
this resentment is the fact that the United
States has drawn on military contributions
from Poles, Czechs, Balts and others
for the combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan,
as well as more broadly in cooperation
in the global war on terror. To
people in these allied nations, it seems insulting
and contradictory that they are
good enough to serve alongside American
soldiers and officials in dangerous international
missions but not trusted to set
foot easily in the United States.
All these points have been forcefully
made to President Bush by visiting Polish
leaders and others. Former Czech President
Vaclav Havel urged Mr. Bush in a
letter in May 2006, to “remove what
Czechs feel is an unfortunate relic of the
Cold War that no longer belongs in the
modern Czech-U.S. alliance. It also allows
you to demonstrate to an emancipated
and self-confident ally the renowned U.S.
spirit of equality and fair play.”
In Tallinn, Estonia, on his way to the
NATO summit in Riga last November,
President George W. Bush finally made a commitment to work for change in the
visa waiver regime. In consequence, the
administration has produced a road-map
for 13 countries seeking entry into the
program, focusing on steps to bring down
their rate of visa refusals and of overstays
by citizens. The road-map, however, is
open-ended in terms of its calendar and
includes no estimated time of arrival.
The problem, though, is less the
White House than Congress. The presidential
policy arm, the National Security
Council, deals on a daily basis with questions
of maintaining allied solidarity and
crafting fruitful global strategy. But in
Congress—which has ultimate authority
over regulations—the question of visa
waivers easily gets caught up in the debates
over immigration and terrorism.
Whenever either of those issues hit the
front pages, trouble looms.
Last November, draft legislation for
a new “Secure Travel and Counter-terrorism
Partnership Act” was introduced
by Senator George Voinovich. A Republican
from Ohio, he is of Serbian origin
and is therefore keenly aware of the situation
and of European sensitivities. His
bill sought to re-frame the debate in
terms of security and security threats instead
of visa overstays, but it died in the
post-electoral “lame-duck session” of
Congress. He reintroduced the proposal
in the first weeks of the Democratic-controlled
Congress, and this time he was
joined by co-sponsors Sen. Richard
Lugar, Republican of Indiana and Sen.
Ted Stevens, Republican of Alaska, as
well as Democrats Sen. Daniel Akaka of
Hawaii and Sen. Barbara Mikulski of
Maryland. In the House, a similar bill
was introduced by Republican Rep. Phil
English of Pennsylvania.
As the name of the bill suggests, it
represents a shift from simply looking at
rates of application rejections and overstays,
which some European governments
are having trouble managing, and
instead focusing on overall improvements
in their partnerships with the
United States on issues relating to
Homeland Security. (The bill, with this
new thrust, is actively supported by the
leadership in the Homeland Security Department.)
It stipulates that within a
five-year probationary period, all applicants
would need to demonstrate enhanced
travel security requirements, accept
new agreements on
counter-terrorism cooperation and information
sharing and be close allies of
the United States in the global war on
The legislation’s proponents say it is
designed to improve cooperation with
important U.S. allies in the war against
terrorism and thus strengthen U.S. national
security interests while promoting
American economic competitiveness.
“This legislation will improve both our
national security and economic interests
while helping to solidify and improve
good will toward the United States for
years to come,” Sen. Voinovich stated on
February 15, when the bill was added as
an amendment to the Homeland Security
management act of 2007 (S.4). “I will
work closely with the administration and
my colleagues in the Senate as we move
forward to show our allies that we appreciate their help in this historic fight.”
One potential sticking point in the
legislation was that the Voinovich bill initially
proposed a pilot program of five
countries (out of the 12 EU countries facing
visa restrictions). The smaller number
was the most the bill’s sponsors considered
politically feasible in the current Congressional
climate about immigration issues. In
January just before he reintroduced his legislation,
Senator Voinovich met with ambassadors
of the affected countries in a session
that brought out the depth and
emotional rawness of the issue. The meeting’s
agenda (at the Heritage Foundation in
Washington) was swept aside by concern
over the prospect that five EU nations
might achieve early qualification and seven
would be put off, perhaps indefinitely. This
prospect threatened to create divisions
among a group of countries that had been
working together successfully on this issue.
In the final version of the legislation, the
question of numbers was omitted and the
focus was simply kept on standards.
Clearly, progress has been made in
the past year, but Congressional opposition
is likely to remain stiff because of
perceived concerns about the issue’s possible
implications for immigration and
terrorism—two overriding issues in
Washington, politically and emotionally.
Many factions in Congress envision an
influx of Central and East Europeans
with dubious passports coming to the
United States for jobs and medical care.
A staffer for a U.S. Senator deeply antagonistic
to Voinovich’s proposal put it
flatly: “This could double the population
of Chicago.”
Among American conservatives, opposition
is also fueled by the idea that the
existing program imperils national security,
and an expansion, pushed by the
travel and tourism industry, would make
it even more dangerous. Attacking Mr.
Bush’s support for expanding the program,
columnist Michael Cutler wrote in
Saint Petersburg Times, “In effect,
their greed is jeopardizing our nation’s
security and the safety of our citizens.
The outrage is that their wishes appear to
be this administration’s commands.”
Liberals have their own set of reasons
for opposing expanding the program.
Senator Diane Feinstein, Democrat
of California, for instance, believes
the visa waiver program should be eliminated
altogether as part of a major overhaul
of U.S. immigration policy. Indeed,
Ms. Feinstein may have produced the
biggest obstacle to forward movement in
the near future by introducing an
amendment to the bill that overwhelmingly passed the Judiciary Committee review
of the bill. It prescribes that no
country can remain qualified for waivers
if it has a visa-overstay rate exceeding 10
percent in any year and, to enforce that,
demands that 97 percent of international
airports in the U.S. have exit-visa tracking
systems for air travelers. Until that
system is in place, her amendment says,
no new countries can be added to the
waiver system. Currently, no such system
is in place in any airport in the United
States. Under her terms, any prospect of
a solution would seem bound to recede.
Efforts to rescue the visa waiver
amendment will continue, even under
difficult circumstances. Congressman
Wexler has proposed Congressional
hearings, and major Democratic players
in the House with large immigrant communities
in their constituencies have become
interested, such as Rep. Rahm
Emanuel of Illinois.
The issue is even more complex to
handle than it might seem because the
European Union takes the position that
the question of visa waivers should not be
handled as a bilateral issue between the
United States and individual EU countries
but instead be negotiated by Brussels (in
practice the European Commission) on
behalf of the new member-states of the
union. As explained by Ambassador John
Bruton, the EU’s representative in Washington,
the European nations applying for
visa-waiver status are now EU members,
they should not be accorded inferior or
different treatment. (In this context, it
seems relevant to note that inequalities on
travel freedoms continue to exist among
EU countries themselves: At the moment
only Great Britain and Ireland allow citizens
from the new member states to settle
and work freely.)
As a consequence of this continuing
imbroglio, U.S. relations with some key
European allies may continue sustaining
damage. The Bush administration acknowledges
the need for strategic partners
in the U.S. war on terror and as part
of U.S. strategic interests. But willing
partners may become fewer and farther
between in Central and Eastern Europe
if the public there continues to feel
snubbed and unappreciated. The next
time the United States needs international
partners in what the Pentagon
calls “the long war,” they may well be
harder to come by.