CIAO DATE: 02/05/08

European Affairs
Volume 8, Number 1 - Spring 2007
EU Confronts Climate Action and Business Cost
Honor Mahony
Full Text
The European Union has found a
new raison d’être: it’s called the fight
against climate change.
In March, it set itself ambitious targets
on carbon-emissions cuts that make
it the global leader on this increasingly
high-profile issue. At a summit meeting
in March, the EU’s 27 member-states
made a binding collective commitment
to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20
percent by 2020 (compared to 1990 levels)
and to ensure that renewable energy
accounts for 20 percent of energy consumption
(with bio-fuels providing 10
percent of transport consumption).
José Manuel Barroso, President of
the European Commission, called it an
historic decision in fighting climate
change: “We can say to the rest of the
world, Europe is taking the lead—you
should join us.” The final package left
open some details about how to share
out and assign the burden of cuts among
individual member-states. But Chancellor
Angela Merkel of Germany (current
incumbent of the rotating EU presidency,
who helped broker the final compromises
in difficult talks among EU
member-states), hailed the deal, saying
that the EU had produced a “credible”
package. It opened the door to a qualitative
change in action against global
warming, she said, and could “help save
the world from calamity.”
Both leaders called on other major
polluting countries—the U.S., China
and India, none of which accepted the
Kyoto Protocol—to follow suit and
make visible commitments to reduce environmental
pollution ahead of the follow-
on conference in 2009 to set a post-
Kyoto successor regime.
This new commitment comes on top
of other EU measures such as reducing
the threshold requirement for CO
2 emissions
from new cars by 2012. Two years
ago the EU led the way in becoming the
world’s first region to set up a trans-national
emissions-trading scheme. It enables
industrial polluters and pollution savers
to trade carbon credits, with those
polluting more buying credits from
those who pollute less. It is planned to
extend the program from its current industrial
coverage to apply to the aviation
industry starting in 2011.
The EU’s emergence as a global
leader in the eco-friendly drive to combat
global warming has been quite sudden.
It has consistently championed the
1997 Kyoto Treaty on climate change,
but often lacked credibility because some
member-states are far from being on target
to comply with the ceilings. Similarly,
embarrassing problems beset the introduction
of the EU “cap-and-trade-system”
when it was unveiled last year: the
government-set ceilings were immediately
seen as too lenient on polluting industries.
What is new this time is that the
whole European Commission—even
President Barroso who is considered to
have a pro-business attitude—appears to
have got a grip on the challenge and is
pushing the anti-emissions drive consistently
across several policy areas. “Two
years ago it was all ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’—and
now it’s ‘climate, climate, climate,’” according
to Industry Commissioner Guenter
Verheugen, reflecting what sounds like exasperation
in some quarters at what is
seen as volte face by the Commission and
the overall leadership of the EU.
The change has come to be seen as
an easy sell to a European public that has
become well-versed about the dire risks
of an attitude to the environment that
seems to take it for granted that the
planet can absorb waste endlessly without
lasting harm. In addition, the new
more pro-active initiative helps solve a
dilemma for the EU about how to find
new goals that can propel it forward
without triggering a backlash among European
citizens and voters.
Mr Barroso’s personal conversion to
the cause of saving the climate seems to
stem from the accumulating evidence of
recent studies, capped by the report by
British economist Nicholas Stern: it said
that human activity was the culprit for
global warming and concluded, pragmatically,
that the economic cost of acting
now was a sound investment when
weighed against the risks (and possible
costs) of doing nothing now. This pragmatism is
a salient feature of the current
management in the European Commission.
But the EU member-states, perhaps
naturally given their diversity, have not
yet come to terms collectively with the
struggle between being green and staying
competitive in today’s globalized
world. So in many respects concrete
commitments have been postponed for
further bargaining.
So there are cracks—or at least
unanswered questions—beneath the surface
of the new unanimity. The summit
meeting was a case in point. It produced
ambitious headline goals envisioning a
complete change in lifestyle in Europe,
but only after a fierce struggle. Poland,
which has coal, said it did not have
enough sun for solar energy. Luxembourg
said it did not have space to grow
crops for bio fuel. Malta said it was too
small (and poor) to do much of anything.
France insisted that nuclear energy be
recognized as a renewable energy—
against objections from the orthodox
green attitudes that prevail in Austria.
In reaching a consensus, the EU
summit meeting left open some questions
about how it should reach the tar
gets. The 20 percent-target for renewables
is an average for the whole of the
EU, and the Commission will now work
on a proposal outlining what individual
countries will have to do to contribute to
the overall target. This is where the divisions
will be played out. During the
summit itself, both Poland and the
Czech Republic put up a tough fight not
to have the target made binding, arguing
that the EU should not be setting itself
goals it may not be able to meet.
In the end, a crucial compromise
stipulated that member-states’ different
national “energy mixes” would be taken
into account in working out the burden sharing
and that the “renewables target”
would be adjusted nationally in the light
of how technologically-advanced each
country already is in this regard.
Although Germany, along with
Britain and Italy, was at the forefront in
pushing for these targets, it does not
mean its own politicians are entirely on
board. Reacting to the summit, Peter
Struck, head of the Social Democrats in
the German parliament, said “Suddenly
only climate change is at the top of the
agenda and work places in Germany
don’t matter.” Many in Germany fear that
the new EU green push is going to harm
Germany’s economy because its industry
will be handicapped in competing
against manufacturers in other areas of
the world where green standards are either
lower or do not exist at all.
As the biggest economy in the EU,
with a strong environmentalist tradition,
Germany encapsulates the debate about
being green versus staying competitive
debate. As the biggest single national
pollutant in the EU, Germany was crucial
to the EU’s credibility in making a
serious commitment on combating
global warming.
Already, Berlin has had two major
clashes recently with the Commission.
The country reacted with fury when
Brussels late last year rejected Germany’s
targets for the CO
2 - reduction targets for
German industry as too lenient and demanded
a further six percent cut in the
emission ceilings for 2008–2012. Senior
government ministers in Berlin dismissed
Brussels’ methods of calculation
as being dangerously “adventurous” and
threatened legal action.
And just as that particular fight was
brewing, another one flared up over a
separate environment policy proposal—
this time to do with car emissions. The
German car manufacturing industry—
the largest in Europe, home to Volkswagen,
BMW, Porsche and the German-
American company Daimler Chrysler -
pulled out all the stops to try and derail a
proposal by the EU environment Commissioner
Stavros Dimas to limit CO
2 emissions from new cars to 120 grams/
km (the current average is around 160
g/km).The German lobby said jobs
would be lost and too much of a burden
placed on car makers by the Commission’s
Chancellor Merkel rallied to the side
of the car industry saying the German
government would “fight with all its
strength” the Commission’s moves to put
a cap on transport carbon emissions. In
Brussels, it caused some of the bitterest
infighting ever within the Commission
as the environment unit battled it out
with the industry unit. Dimas took the
unusual step of publicly criticizing Germany,
underlining that the rest of the
world was watching to see which way
Berlin goes. “If Germany bucks the
trend, then the rest of Europe won’t go
along with it,” Mr. Dimas said. “And if
Europe isn’t going along with it, neither
will the rest of the world.”
Germany, apparently shocked by the
bad press, including accusations that it
was using its EU presidency to promote
its car industry, backtracked by promising
not to push its own agenda during
future discussions. And Ms. Merkel’s
moves at the summit were, from an environmentalist’s
point of view, the best that
could be realistically expected.
Resistance to the Commission’s more
ambitious environment agenda has by
no means been confined to Germany.
Generally speaking, national capitals
made a mockery of the first phase of the
European Commission’s emissions-trading
scheme, running until 2008, by giving
their industries very lenient polluting-
allowances—so lenient that the
bottom fell out of the carbon market almost
immediately. “Carbon prices” in
the trading system have now slumped to
less than one euro per ton, down from
over 30 euros per ton last year. As a result,
almost all the planned carbon-ceilings
that the Commission has assessed—
15 of the 27 member states so far—have
been tweaked to lower ceilings by the
Commission because the planned targets
were too industry-friendly. Other countries
have not yet bothered to hand in
any pollution-reducing targets yet. In a
follow-up step, Brussels is now trying to
pin down governments for the second
phase of the program (running from
2008 to 2012) incorporating much
stricter criteria.
This ramping-up of carbon curbs
provoked the clash with Germany and
this same fault-line—the trade-off being
between being “green” and being competitive—
is likely to crop up more and
more. As a result, many observers predict
that the EU is liable to remain vulnerable
to charges that it is better at
preaching environmental concern than
at putting it into practice.
Even so, it would be a mistake to put
current EU concerns about industry being
hampered by green standards on par with
the more profoundly market-based approach
pursued in the U.S. The EU’s philosophy
towards the environment, consumer
and social rights—generally a
tendency to regulate to correct what it sees
as wrong practices—is deeply ingrained,
particularly in two of the biggest member
states, France and Germany.
Britain says it is leading by example.
The Blair government is laying the
ground work to become the first government
to set legally-binding carbon-reduction
targets. Environment Secretary
David Miliband announced in March
that a bill will be introduced creating an
independent panel that establishes a national
“carbon budget” every five years.
He said the plan could enable Brittain to
cut emissions by 60 percent by 2050 on
the basis of an average reduction of three
percent per year. If a target is missed, the
British government could face court action.
Miliband said that Britain was
“leading by example” in the fight against
climate change.
Crucially, European public opinion is
firmly supportive of action to combat
global warming, and opinion polls consistently
show that the public likes to see
Brussels acting on environmental issues.
This contrasts with the prevailing attitudes
in American opinion, even though
there are signs in the United States toward
greater concern about the threat—and
indeed action in some states in the Northeast
and in California that seems to be
heading in the same direction as Europe.
The “action-now” agenda on climate
change seems likely to prevail in the European
Commission at least until 2013
because Barroso is angling for a second
term in office. Already on his watch, a
new European Research Council has just
been set up with a budget of €7.5 billion
until 2013, expressly to fund Europe based
scientists to look into new technologies,
including those for coping with
global warming.
Europe’s biggest challenge—the one
likely to make or break the green political
will of member-states—is getting
other regions of the world on board so
that the collective pain of cleaning up the
environment is more evenly spread. For
example, it wants to see greenhouse gas
emissions reduced by 30 percent below
1990 levels by 2020—but only if other
big economies (the U.S., Russia, China,
India) in the rest of the world are on
board. Failing that, the EU will stick to
its lower 20 percent target.
For now, however, it remains unclear
to what extent the green approach in the
U.S. will change under the next President
after Bush and how determinedly the top
emerging economies such as China and
India will push their pledges to action on
the environment. China is planning to
build over 500 new coal power plants in
the next 25 years, which could make a
mockery even of the emissions targets
set by the Kyoto Treaty, which China did
not sign but which are now viewed as
too low by European governments.
The EU does have one ace up its
sleeve: the size and scope of its internal
market, which is big enough to influence
standards and practices of countries that
want to export into it. It is seeking to
persuade European businesses that they
will have the global cutting edge now if
they adapt to environment standards
which it sees as inevitable. A recent
Commission paper suggests that promoting
European standards, such as
those on the environment, “works to the
advantage of those [businesses] already
geared up to meet these standards.” The
EU’s plans for more environment
friendly cars will also affect all cars imported
into the single market. Reflecting
the commission’s agenda, the emissionstrading
scheme is to be extended to the
aviation sector in 2012. It is generally accepted
that airliners are responsible for
two per cent of greenhouse gas emissions—a figure that becomes even more
ominous in the light of forecasts that international
air travel will double between
now and 2020. In its counter-attack on
this front, the commission is trying to
extend the rules and the emissions-trading
plan to cover all commercial flights
by 2012, including international flights
coming into Europe—most controversially
those from the U.S.
On an upbeat note, the commission
insists that climate-friendly action can be
good for business. There will be a firstmover
advantage to European countries
and the EU, it says, if the now muchneeded
carbon-reducing technologies
and skills are pioneered in the EU.
All that needs to happen now is for
the EU actually to set putting the new
plan into action.