CIAO DATE: 02/05/08

European Affairs
Volume 8, Number 1 - Spring 2007
Competition Among Capital Markets: Focus on Facts not Factoids
Randal Quarles
Full Text
The declining competitiveness of U.S. capital markets has become the topic
of the moment among those with a professional interest in the financial sector.
Concurrent with three high-profile groups’ substantial recent reports on the issues
facing capital markets in the United States, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson
has placed this issue near the top of his domestic agenda. What is more, in a
political environment where the prospects for collaboration on most public issues
seem increasingly dim, the concern over U.S. capital formation is a refreshing
oasis of bi-partisanship, with political interest in corrective action ranging
from prominent Democrats in New York such as Governor Eliot Spitzer and
Senator Chuck Schumer to the senior officials of the Bush administration.
The question is a serious one, and the attention to it is welcome. But “capital
markets’ competitiveness” covers an extremely broad range of issues, some of
which are of genuine national interest, some of more parochial concern and others
that may be merely dislocations to individual companies with outmoded
business models. It will be important for policymakers to disentangle these
threads and focus on issues of genuine national consequence. Otherwise, there is
a risk that measures taken to address the competitiveness of our capital markets
will merely protect certain businesses from necessary competition—to the
detriment of the customers of our capital markets and to the real economy.
For example, perhaps the most commonly cited statistic in discussion of this
topic in Washington has been the number of initial public offerings that do not
list on a U.S. exchange. In 2005, 24 out of 25 of the world’s largest IPOs did not
list in the U.S. Last year, nine of the world’s 10 largest IPOs similarly did not seek
a U.S. listing. On the face of it, this is a dramatic and startling fact, and one that
has raised alarms on Capitol Hill.
But a closer look reveals that, at the same time as the companies making
these offerings listed outside the United States, the majority of them also sought
capital from the U.S. in the form of simultaneous and sizable Rule 144A offerings.
Of course, these are limited to qualified institutional buyers, but that includes
investment companies, mutual funds and benefit plans – the entities
through which most individuals will have the bulk of their equity exposure in
any event. In fact, in 2005 foreign companies raised $86 billion in the U.S.
through 144A offerings while raising only $5.4 billion in listed offerings. The
lack of IPO listings, then, is clearly a problem for the CEO of the New York
Stock Exchange, but it is less clear that it is a problem for the nation’s investors,
still less so for U.S. companies seeking capital. Indeed, to the extent that the decline
in listings is being driven by technological advances that increasingly allow
participants in the capital markets to bypass exchanges entirely, it may be the
natural evolution of markets globally.
The point of this example—and it is only one example—is not that we
should be complacent about the competitiveness of our capital markets, but that
we should be sure we are truly focused on the competitiveness of those markets,
and not the success of individual businesses within an area that is rapidly evolving
and in which dislocation will therefore be inevitable. Our goal should be to
ensure that the policies adopted in this bipartisan effort actually result in an increase
in competition, not the subsidization or protection of our own financial
Randal Quarles was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from
2002 until 2005 and then served as the Treasury’s Under Secretary for Domestic Finance
until last year.