Critical Review
Fall 1996 (Vol.10 No.4)
Preference or Happiness?, Tibor Scitovsky's Psychology of Human Needs, by Jeffrey Friedman
Rationalism, Joy and Freedom, by Amartya Sen
What's Wrong with Consumer Capitalism?, The Joyless Economy after Twenty Years, by Juliet Schor
The Diminishing Utility of Economic Growth:, From Maximizing Security toward Maximizing Subjective Well-Being, by Ronald Inglehart
Melding the Public and Private Spheres:, Taking Commensality Seriously, by Albert O. Hirschman
Complexity, Value, and the Psychological Postulates of Economics, by Michael Benedikt
My Own Criticism of The Joyless Economy
, by Tibor Scitovsky
Review Essays
Myth, Measurement, and the Minimum Wage: Sound and Fury Signifying What?, by Glen Whitman