Columbia International Affairs Online


Outline of the Contributions of the Neo-Gramscians and Critical Theories to the Reflexive Turn in Security Theories

Frédérick Guillaume Dufour

Culture and Conflict: Volume 54 (Summer 2004)


This article looks back at the main positions defended by those authors who have contributed to the neo-Gramscian analysis of international relations. Since the 1980s, neo-Gramscian analysis has been one of the main analytical frameworks to situate itself as a reaction against traditional approaches to International Relations, on the one hand, and against orthodox Marxist theories, on the other. This theoretical framework, first developed by Robert W. Cox in response to Kenneth Waltz’s theoretical shortcomings, and especially his ahistoricism, has become one of the essential theories of International Relations. Moreover, neo-Gramscian analysis has played a central role in the critique of the Americano-centred, positivist influence which was vigourously questioned with the Third Debate in International Relations Theory.