CIAO DATE: 10/06

Sécurité, frontières et surveillance aux Etats-Unis après le 11 septembre 2001

Ayse Ceyhan

Culture and Conflict

No. 53 - Spring 2004 - Cross Perspectives On Political Surveillance


After 9/11, security has become the top priority of the US government. This development can be observed both on the internal and the external levels. Indeed, the practices of control and surveillance have been exacerbated. In this article, the author analyses the tools through which these developments have been made possible. She shows that, although the official discourses present these measures as a response to the attacks of 9/11, they have to be analyzed as a radicalisation of practices that are inseparable from less recent security dynamics. They lead to attempts to tighten the control of borders, to introduce “high-tech” tools into the practices of surveillance, to “target” specific groups of populations and to exclude some states from the international order by labelling them “rogue states”.

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